Chapter 6:~Kidnapped~

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(Next day)

Legolas grabbed his bow and arrows and long white knife.
"Let's search the woods. We need to secure that Livia's men aren't able to enter Gondor,"Aragorn explained,
"But where is Elora? Her skills can be needed,"
"She said she's coming soon. She said we can go without her," Legolas explained.
"Let's go then,"Faramir said. And they left.

(The woods)

Legolas, Aragorn, Faramir and Gimli walked through the woods.

"Let's split up,"Aragorn said,
"Legolas, you check The North side. Gimli, you check The South side. Faramir, you check The West side. And I check The East. We meet here again in an hour,"
And they split up.

(Legolas POV)
I walked through the woods when I started to feel observed. Someone was watching me.
I pulled out my daggers,
"Who's there!?," I said, "Show yourself!,"
Suddenly, I felt something grab me from behind. I tried to break free, but the grip was too strong.

"Men! I've got him!," The man yelled.
And three other men showed up.
"Look, The Prince of Mirkwood is under our control," The man who I guessed was the leader said with a evil smile.
They know who I am?

The men grabbed my weapons and put chains around my wrists and neck. I felt how the iron chains burned me. But I forced myself to contain the pain. I wouldn't let them break me that easily.
"Not so tough now elf?,"The leader said wickedly, "Now you're going to do everything we say,"
'Do everything they say? Not a chance,' Legolas thought.
"We shall see what our Queen has in mind for you,"
And a man gagged him.
"What do you say now worthless elf? You who think you're better than us!," The leader said wickedly.
For the first time in a long time, I was afraid. What did they gain from kidnapping me? Who was their Queen?
The man slapped him across the face,
"Do you understand!?,"
And Legolas felt tears forming in his eyes.
"Look! It can cry!," Another man laughed.
"Stupid, disgusting creature!,"The leader said angrily.
I wanted to go home. To Adar (Father) To my friends, to my Muinthel (Sister)

The men got on their horses,
"Let's move, elf!," The leader yelled and pulled in the chains,
"Queen Livia isn't a patient women!,"
This couldn't be true! Elora's worst enemy is using me to get to her. I didn't even want to know what she had in mind for me.

(A while later)

"Legolas!,"Gimli yelled, "Legolas, where are you!?,"
"Legolas!,"Faramir yelled,
"This is strange. We were to meet here an hour ago,"
"I'm sure he'll be here any minute," Aragorn explained.
This wasn't good. Where was his friend?,"Aragorn thought.

Suddenly, Elora came riding on Snowflake,
"Aragorn? Where is Legolas?," She asked.
"I don't know,"Aragorn sighed,
"We were supposed to meet here an hour ago,"
And Elora got off Snowflake,
"Something is wrong," And suddenly, she felt a pain in her heart.
"Elora!? What is it?,"Aragorn asked.
"It's the nature," Elora said in panic,
"They say that they saw an elf being captured and chained,"
"Legolas?," Gimli asked.
Elora nodded, "Yes, an elven prince very familiar to me,"
"It must have been Legolas," Gimli exclaimed.

"Let's look for clues. They must have left something behind," Aragorn explained.
And they separated.

Elora looked at the ground for footprints or horse prints when she found one of Legolas daggers in the mud.
Legolas would never have left that behind,"Gimli told The young elleth. And Elora sighed, "Something is not right here,"

Aragorn find a silvery symbol tray in the mud. He had never seen it before. He decided to keep it hidden until the right moment.

"Found anything?,"Elora asked. But Aragorn shook his head, "Nothing. We better get back to send word to Thranduil,"
"I have a feeling my father won't take it quite well,"Elora sighed.
(Gondor Castle)

"How could you let this happen!?,"Thranduil exclaimed.
"Thranduil, my friend, you have to calm down,"Lord Elrond told the elven King.
"I can't calm down! My son can be out there somewhere suffering right now!,"Thranduil exclaimed.
Elora sighed," Father, if I only have something of Legolas's or the kidnappers, I may be able to track them down,"
"Elora, I didn't tell you because I did not thought it was important. But I found this," Aragorn explained as he held out the symbol tray.

Elora swallowed, "No! She's going to pay for this!,"
"Wait? What is it?,"Thranduil asked. And Elora sighed, "Livia's men's symbol. She has him. I have never had a weakness before but now...,"
"Now Legolas is your weakness," Aragorn sighed.
"Are you sure you can do this on your own?," Thranduil asked.
Elora nodded, "Don't worry father. Aragorn, I and the others will save him. We will be back soon,"
"Good luck," Lord Elrond said. And Elora and the others left Gondor and set off against 'The Dark Kingdom'

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