" You're right Batchi, You are right." is all I could say to her because even I hated to admit it, she is right. I still wanted her back.

I didn't sleep the whole night thinking of that brunette in that silk golden cocktail dress. Damn Jade, she's making me crazy again. She colored her hair brunette again? She even cut it shoulder length. She always had that long sleek hair. I've never seen her like this...different but at the same time Jade. At the same time gorgeous. And to note that we didn't even talked about what happened between us. How she left me broken hearted and how she managed to leave me like that believing we had it all planned out. I need to see her again. I need to talk to her again. I cannot bear the fact that we are meeting like this. I have to go to her house. Yes, I will go to her house once and for all and talk to her.


"I'll call you when I arrived in New York Mom. Jase and Lovi arrived the other day and will pick me up at the airport. Come on as if I don't know New York Mom."

" Okay, I'm just worried. Are you feeling okay? I told you to go Dr. Palanca since last week."

" No need, I'm great Mom. Don't worry okay?"

" You are stubborn Jade, I told you to see the Dr. before departing for US." My Mom can be very demanding when it comes to seeing my doctor but I feel I don' t need to. Been feeling great for a few years now. Now she is sighing and looks worried, so I just hugged her.

"I will see a doctor when I arrived okay?"

"Promise me Alice. " she sternly said. " And don't forget to visit you Mommy Amanda and Daddy Oscar they are expecting you."

"Will do Mom. I love you"

" Call your Dad !"

" I will! " I shouted as I open the backseat and made my self comfortable. I kissed my Mom as I leave the house. She can be so worried when I have to travel alone. My flight for the US is tonight and I can' t afford to be late. You know how traffic is in this country.

I booked grab to the airport. We have a family driver but he is already with Dad. And I'm used to this. We are a well off family but we are not like the Ayalas, Galuras or my biological parents the Tanchingcos. My Dad have businesses abroad and a school here in the Philippines and that's it. I'm contented with what I have and I couldn't ask for more than a good health, financial stability, loving parents and someday a family of my own. I have contacted University of Texas and my classes starts this fall. I have qualified for scholarship and got a part time job at the city museum. It's a big help since I don't want to rely on my parents with my graduate degree.

I love geology and learning about it makes me happy. I want to be a professor and then maybe take over the school someday. I still don't know what destiny has in store for me but I will take my chances. I will visit Lovi and Jase in New York because we planned to go museum hopping as I'm also an Art enthusiast. Three years is not that long right? I wonder where this plans will take me. Will I ever see her again? I never had the chance to talk to her or tell her, should I ever tell her? I didn't even got to ask for her phone number or something. How can I not forget her. How can I not that after all this years she is all I ever loved...eventhough I knew from the start that she loved someone else.

--- flashback Junior year.
" Are you alright? " I heard a voice behind me. It's her. Thank God, if it where not for her Kathleen the bull won't ever leave me. I always thought covering that Basketball and Cheerleading teams is not a great idea. Well, I'm happy about it because of Althea but Kathleen is really such a bitch and bully. I ran here at the school rooftop after she pushed me while I'm taking a photo of the basketball training. The interschool championship is near and It's my task to cover the training of our school team. I know she is obsessed with Althea but I don't like her to be honest.

Wherever You Will Go (Rastro Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن