I shiver slighty when he takes my hand, leading me into the comfortingly warm sun outside.

"Knowing you, you're leading me to go see some road kill," I say.

Leonardo laughs, one of those real laughs I only get to hear on rare occasions.

We walk a bit more (the driveway is huge) before he tells me I can finally take my blindfold off.

I don't know what I was expecting, but it's definitely not what I'm seeing. In front of me sits the car I spoke about with him a few days ago when we were watching a movie. A car I'm obessed with looking at. A car I thought I could only see in magazines or on a screen.

The car has red ribbon tied into a bow at the top, suggesting that it's a gift.

Oh my splitting sides, this better not be mine-

"This is your wedding gift," he says with a lopsided boyish smile.

"But I didn't get you one!" I say in alarm.

Leonardo laughs. "I know. You didn't have to, this is something I thought about just yesterday."

Then he clarifies something I'm wondering.

"And no, this isn't for the benefit of the stupid public. You've just been a really good sport about everything. I know I'm paying you to do all this, but you don't have to hang out with me at home and put up with my attitude. You don't have to watch movies with me and laugh at my horrible jokes.

You don't have to be such a great... friend. Now that Steve has a kid and everything, I haven't really had anyone else just get me. Everyone you know - they're all just business associates. They don't know that I'm moody and brooding and secretly hate too much human interaction. But you do, and you accept me for who I am."

I want to cry. I didn't think he even cared that I existed until two days ago, now this? I'm not even hurt by the fact that he friend zoned me, I'm honoured. It's an honour to get to know Leonardo Romano - like really know him.

I cover my mouth with my hands. "You really didn't have to." It comes out as a whisper. "I actually like to spend time with you."

He hands me the keys. "Yeah well I wanted to. Wanna take it for a spin?"

My eyes widen in excitement. I'm so grateful to Lauren for forcing me to get my licence.

"Will you come?" I ask, practically jumping a foot in the air.

Leonardo nods, amused.

We get into the car and I feel bad now, like really, really bad. I've been lying about Kai and breaching the contract and I have to find a way to tell him.

Leonardo looks at my face and notices I'm hesitating to start the car.

"Now don't tell me you're scared of driving," he says, still amused.

I bite my lip, anxiously. "I have to tell you something."

Sea foam eyes scan my face a little nervously. "Okay, but stop making it seem like someone is dying."

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