Chapter 18

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Chapter Playlist: Past Life
By Trevor Daniel &
Selena Gomez


There's a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I ask, shutting the door of my bathroom.

I'm fresh out of the shower and it's a new day. A day in which I have to have a serious conversation with Kai.

Leonardo and I came back from his father's house very early this morning because he had an early meeting at the office. I was much too tired to shower so I just had a change of clothes and showered at home instead.

I am still over thinking the fact that I shared a bed with Leonardo for two nights in a row. For some reason it's different from the couple's cruise. All of the times, there has been a safe distance on the bed but I now find the idea of sleeping alone harder and harder to process. The knowledge of his presence is just comforting.

"Good morning Miss Torres. It's Myrtle," the voice says, " Mr Romano would like to see you in the driveway."

Myrtle is like a second mother to me by now, I just wish she would call me Sadie instead of Miss Torres, but she won't budge about it.

"Good Morning Myrtle. Thank you, I'll be down in a second," I tell her.

I wonder what Leonardo wants me to come to the driveway for. I hope this isn't a scheme of his to get me to go somewhere without taking my usual full hour to get ready. Lately, I've been too insecure to go outside without getting properly ready (I'm getting a lot better at makeup, thanks to Gretchen). With the paps always milling around, appearance can get into one's head. I mean, who wants an unflattering candid of themselves floating around on the internet? Not I.

I lather my Jojoba, pomegranate scented moisturiser on my body, throw a white lounge-wear set on and head outside. I hope Leonardo doesn't have company because I'm in my white fluffy slides for goodness' sake.

Leonardo is waiting for me at the front door of the penthouse. He hands me a piece of silky material. No formalities, the usual.

He looks dashing in his navy blue Polo golf shirt (I've come to realize that Leonardo and the brand Polo are two peas in a pod) and black shorts. In place of yesterday's white Alexander McQueen's, today he is wearing navy blue customised ones. I know I've said it before, but this man looks good in anything, probably even a plastic bag.

I furrow my eyebrows at the piece of pearl-white silk material he's put in my hands.

"Put it over your eyes," he says, leaning against the door frame - quite close to my face mind you. I can barely breathe around this guy.

"What makes you think I trust you enough to blindfold myself?" I question for the sake of banter.

He rolls his beautiful eyes. "Please just do it. I am not planning a homicide. Not at the moment, at least."

I feign a shocked look. "Leonardo Romano!"

He smirks. Does he like it when I say his full name?

Leonardo takes the blindfold from my hands. "Here, I'll do it. Turn around."

I sigh, again just for banter, but oblige. He feels for my eyes with his large hand, making me giggle and ties the material over them.

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