Chapter 8

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CP: crystals by Of Monsters
And Men


Yesterday was made to bring confusion into my life. But also happiness. A lot of happiness.

I am about to be engaged to the CEO of Romano & Co and I am dating my best friend.

Well we're not exactly official yet but basically this is my life now.

The worst part of all of this is that I can't tell anyone. Not even Lauren because as much as I can trust her, she'll tell Steve because he's an exception and Steve will tell the whole world because Steve is Steve.

So now I'm in this fucked up love triangle with two of the most unlikely people and I can't tell a soul.

Ah, good times.

"So you're taking me to an amusement park?" I guess, as Leonardo is nearing what looks like one.

He's just picked me up from my aunt's house and hasn't had the chance to tell me where we're going because he's been on the phone since.

Thank goodness he's finally set his handheld down. It is a blue moon event which must be celebrated.


"I'm guessing your publicist somehow leaked our whereabouts and the paps will be there?" I inquire.

For some reason, I feel nervous.


Leonardo and his stupid one worders. Am I that boring?

"Did you do that press conference where you were meant to talk about how we've been supposedly together for a while now?"


I decide to keep quiet. Talking to Leonardo when he's not in the mood to talk is like talking to a brick wall and it is very frustrating for someone who loves to talk, i.e: me.

The whole thing with Kai crosses my mind again for about the tenth time since I woke up.

Things with him feel... right. I feel as if I've been single for so long because my heart has been waiting for him to realise he likes me. Pathetic? Maybe. A little delusional too but I'm not at a loss here and that's all that matters, right?

"How did it go with the stylist?" Leonardo asks when he finally realizes his one worders have peeved me (or maybe he doesn't care and he's just curious about how much I embarrassed him in front of the stylist.)

"Gretchen? She's like champagne, personified. She's not at all what I expected." I shrug.

"What did you expect?"

"I don't know. Like a prim and proper British lady who drinks tea with her pinky finger up. Instead, I got the second coming of Bretman Rock, but the female edition. Except she's all brass and sharp angles-"

"Have I ever told you that you're really judgmental?" He cuts me off as he's parking the car.

"Yes but you're more so than I am."

"Right, continue."

We exit the car and I can already hear cameras clicking before I see them, even though the paps are outside the premises.

Leonardo laces his fingers through mine and we stroll casually in no particular direction.

"So she decided that online shopping together would be the best route so she can put my options on this other app of hers, where she can match them for me."

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