Chapter 12

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CP: On my way by Sabrina Carpenter
and Alan Walker


"Sadie," I hear a voice in the distance.


"Sadie, you need to wake up."

My eyes wrestle against fatigue and finally win, opening up to sunlight leaking through my curtains.

What the fuck is the time?

"Gather around class. Take notice. It seems to live," Leonardo says.

Why is he in here?

"Why are you in here?" I ask groggily.

He closes his eyes briefly, trying to be patient. "It's the 14th."

Oh. Right.

"We're getting married."

"You're quick."

"And you're moody. What's crawled up your pants?" I say, sitting up slowly.

"Oh I don't know. Maybe it's because my bride is an hour behind schedule and I nearly called an ambulance because she sleeps like a corpse."

My eyes widen. "An hour?"

He nods in resignation, taking a seat on the bed. "Michael will be here in about fifteen minutes."

"Why the fuck did you not wake me up?"

"I was asleep," he says flatly. "I don't need as much work done as the bride."

I cover my face with my hands in frustration. "Micheal is going to kill me."

"I'd hope so if I didn't still need you."

I would have shoved him if he didn't look so intimidatingly hot in his white v-neck and low riding pajama pants.

How he manages to make such simple clothes look amazing, I'll always wonder.

I get up and attempt to tie the knot that is my hair. It's gray now and I haven't felt prettier in ages. Leonardo gave me an honest to God compliment when he'd picked me up from the salon last week, which is a blue moon event. My self esteem went up way more than a notch.

"Well I better take a shower now. What was I meant to be doing for the past hour again?"

I seriously have no idea. Michael definitely told me but my brain decided to discard everything he said yesterday morning and I haven't even been drinking.

I might've even not been listening in the first place.

Leonardo gives me a blank look. "Really, Sadie?"

I run a hand over my face in frustration. "I forgot, okay? I have a lot on my mind."

"I'm starting to think you're not even taking this seriously."

He's right but I give him a hard stare either way. "Definitely not the time to argue."

He sighs in resignation, standing up. "I never thought I had to listen to your conversation with Micheal, so I really don't know what you were meant to be doing."

I start to panic. I could just ask Micheal but that will alert him that I'm behind schedule and I kinda don't want to counter all his hard work with my stupidity.

I'm pacing around the room, trying to come up with a plan. My head is buzzing with worry as I consider the press, Leonardo's family, his friends, his dedicated fans-

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