Chapter 11

91 7 2

CP: flaws by Bastille


"Stand still," Kai mumbles as he tries to brush my thick hair.

"Hey, what if I dyed my hair gray?" I ask him.

I've been considering going back to my natural color but gray seems so daring, so... different. I've been craving different.

I have so much hair and it's pretty long, so naturally, sometimes I'm tempted to cut it so I can switch things up. The only thing that can keep me from cutting it is dyeing it another color so I can achieve the latter.

Kai raises his eyebrows. "Gray? Like old people gray?"

I laugh. "No, I mean like a pastel type of gray."

Kai is trying not to laugh. Since last year, I've been changing my hair color a lot. I'm surprised it isn't damaged at all.

"I don't know. I love your natural color but I also love the color gray. If you're feeling gray, go for it," he says.

"I'm seriously considering it. It'll be the first un-natural color I get," I muse and grab a nearby can of his hair mousse.

"I better hurry up because Leonardo will be here soon and the Lord only knows why he hates tardiness to the point he does."

Kai scoffs. "Leonardo and his forced class."

I almost defend Leonardo but I come to my senses just in time.

"I take it you don't like him?" I ask.

Kai gives me a fake, over exaggerated gasp. "Of course I like him. I mean he's just some rich, obnoxious guy who's engaged to my girlfriend."

I'm not exactly sure why Kai's comment upsets me but it does.

I roll my eyes. "Your sarcasm is not appreciated. Anyway, what do you think I should wear?"

Better to change the subject before I start an unnecessary fight, I think to myself.

A little after he'd left, Leonardo made Blade come over with a couple of my clothes from my aunt's place in the fear that I'd ruin his busy schedule for today. At first, I was annoyed at his lack of faith in me, but I gave in as usual.

My aunt must have been confused as heck at the sight of a big, random, tough, ex war veteran looking guy knocking on her door asking for her niece's clothes at such an ungodly hour. At least my newer outfits are hanging on a rack outside my closet, making them easier to locate.

Aunt Lizzy sounded so confused over the phone when she asked me what exactly she was to pack. The poor lady.

"What do you have?"

I walk back into his room, knowing he'll follow, before opening the overnight bag Blade brought.

Looking around at the messy sheets and remembering the pillow fight Kai and I had before falling asleep, I realize sleeping on the same bed as him feels completely natural. Last night was the second time since we've started dating and it's not any different than it was back in highschool.

I mean my brain did try to stir up some drama with my inner thoughts about it but only for a second or two.

If I'm being honest, dating Kai isn't any different from being his best friend and I don't feel the need to do anything with this new found realisation. Anywhere the wind blows doesn't really matter right now because I'm happy. That's all that matters, right?

Hate, actually ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें