Author's Note: Purpose of Madison

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Hey there.

2 minutes of your time--that's all I ask.

If you've found this (which I'm so glad), this is a story about a girl who wants (and is) recovering from years of an ED; reentering the world, aiming to experience life to the fullest, in all the ways (with all the years) possible. It is a honest portrayal of the recovery process with all its frustrations--but also its celebrations.

      Not gonna lie, this is kind of embarrassing and hard to do since it is my story, my journey--but that said I'm really trying to leave my SELF out of it and see instead what it could do for other people who are also suffering from this disease. I want to show people that it is POSSIBLE and WORTH it to recover and that I am doing it.

If you have recovered, are recovering, want to recover, are even just thinking about recovering from an ED--then please keep reading. I want this story to be encouraging to you as it is for me, myself recovering, to write it.

You are not alone and life is gonna be so much better without the ED discoloring every experience: Having an ED really, really fucking sucks.--And that's just where this story takes off.

MadisonWhere stories live. Discover now