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After moving all my stuff back to my old room, me and Jungkook talked all night about what happened to us during these weeks.

We both lost lots of weight and both suffered the distance.

He eventually apologized for invading my privacy and understanding that even though we were kind of intimate, there are some things which I find difficult to share with others.

I also said sorry and realized how health is way more important than these little bickering.

The young man asked me the reason of the empty page and I explained how I even forgot to keep on updating my diary, as I was too focused on my relationship with him.

I kind of lost track of time when I spent my days with him, so I totally left behind my diary.

As about the content, the famous 'last page' would have been about my feelings, which I was finally able to express last night during our intimate time.

I told him how my head was a mess and I couldn't distinguish my emotions. I was happy with him, but at the same time insecure of lots of things.

He eventually helped me out solving those doubts, bringing finally peace to me stormy brain and came to a conclusion that I actually like him a lot.

I wasn't still able to say out loud my feelings, but I'm sure he understood pretty well my thoughts and eventually got how I'm still not ready to tell him those words.

"Good morning princess"

I open my eyes to the sound of the raspy yet sweet voice of my roommate, as well as my date.

"Mmm good morning" I answer, hiding my face in his bare chest, feeling every inch of his naked body crashed and crossed with mine.

"Did you sleep well?" I can hear him smile as he asks me that and his hand caressing my back, making goosebumps appear all over the surface of my skin.

I nod, finally meeting his eyes.

As we look into each other's pupils, I remember our night, full of fire and passion and feel a little lighter, almost as if I was finally able to let a very heavy weight out of my stomach.

"I missed you kitten" he whispers, making me visibly blush at that nickname and smiling as I missed being called that.

"Me too" I answer back.

After showering and eating our breakfast, we decided to hang out in the garden and keep on updating, telling stories that we may have forgotten to tell last night.

"So I'm now booked for the transplant. They still have to decide if I'm an urgent case or if I can still wait a little bit longer"

"I see..." I say looking at my clothed legs, which are covered by a flowery long dress "You know I'll be by your side until the end, right?" I ask, interviewing our fingers together, still looking down.

"Same goes for you, till the end. You know that whatever you want to do or wherever you want to go I'll always say those words" he sweetly smiles, making me look at him in the eyes.

Those three words, my favorites, those which make me every time fall even harder for the young man next to me.

Words which always bring me joy and sadness at the same time, words which make me feel lighter and relieved.

We stare at each other's lips and pronounce that utterance in unison:

"Let's go together"

Let's go together - j.jkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon