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Great now what do I do? I can't even do some exercises, because I'll be shirtless and I'm with the new girl, y/n. Well I don't think she'll look at me and I don't even think she even glanced me all this time, she just avoided me.

Now that I recovered from the last treatment, I can exercise without feeling too tired, so I have to take this chance before the next treatment comes.

"Don't you mind if I do some exercises?" why did I even ask, she won't never answer me.


I decide to do some stretching as a starter and then proceed with some pushups.

To make it look less awkward, I'll do the exercises in front of my bed and looking at the window, so I'll give her my back, again. I think it's better like this, if only our gazes would meet it would be embarrassing.

Wait. Why would it be embarrassing for me? After all it's her that doesn't like the entire humanity, so it should be only her problem. Right?

But I ended up giving her my back.


"Don't you mind if I do some exercises?" I hear the guy speak. I mean, of course I don't mind, he can do whatever he wants, so why did he even ask me?

Of course I won't answer.

After my silent treatment, I hear him moving around. I guess he started doing his thing. I try to peek to see if he's facing me and fortunately he's facing the other way.

I take this time to take a look at him because I couldn't do this before, since I just observed this man only to see if I was safe or not. So I couldn't really look at him.

I look at his figure doing pushups. He's wearing a tight white shirt, with some black loose sweat pants. Not going to lie, he has some nice shoulders. I also notice his long blonde hair and his tattoos on his arm.

He looks kinda attractive. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING Y/N?! You haven't even seen his face and I don't think you'll ever see it! Get yourself together girl.

I turn around and give my attention to my phone, until...

"UHhhh" I hear the blonde guy groaning out loud and again, that was hot. 

That's how it went for the past two hours, him exercising hard and not spitting a word. A part from that little groan at the beginning, he didn't make much noises and now I hear him going to the bathroom and letting the water flow.

Finally I can stand up and go to the bathroom!

I quickly run to the staff's service room and do all my things and I also take a chance to quickly wash myself, eventually going back to my room safe and, to my surprise, he's still in the shower. Well, I was quick!!

I also take this opportunity to take a look outside of the window and notice that it's a really beautiful day. I see some kids running in the garden, they seem so happy. I stayed like that for almost ten full minutes, until I heard the shower stopping.

I quickly run towards my bed and hide under the covers. I mean he's not coming here right after, I think it'll take a few minutes, since I think he'll have to dry out and dress up.

But I'm completely wrong.

I immediately hear the door opening and some footsteps. They're pretty fast, like if he's running and right after the door closing again.

I wait for a few seconds before uncover myself and I try to hear if there's any sound here in the bedroom, but I actually don't hear anything. I peek out of the covers and find nobody. Did he went back to the bathroom? Why?


I just finished my work out and now I feel a lot better. I actually haven't heard y/n the whole time. I only heard some flinching after I groaned due to a little bit of muscle pain, but maybe it was just my imagination.

Now I'll take a cool shower to calm down my muscles. I grab my phone and quickly go toward the bathroom, locking the door and letting the water flow.

I take off all of my clothes and I stare at the mirror, where I can see my bare self. My illness actually ruined my body, I used to be more pumped than this, not that I don't look good, I look good as hell, especially after I got used to the treatments. Now I can exercise a lot and stay in shape.

But I remember when my leukemia got diagnosticated. I was miserable, both on the inside and outside and the first treatment destroyed me.

As I think about my past, I hear the entrance door closing, I guess y/n is going out again. I'll stay here just a little bit more, this cool shower is helping me relaxing.

After a bit I hear again the entrance door opening and closing. Y/n came back after her little walk. Seriously, where could she go?


After another ten minutes, I decide to finally go out of the shower and get dressed, but as soon as I reach out for my underwear...I DIDN'T BRING THE CLOTHES WITH ME!!

Usually I would leave them in the room, since I've always been alone in here, but now there is this rookie.

Here with me, I only have my sweaty clothes from the work out and I obviously can't wear them. Ok, I'll just run and then come back here.

After all she never looks at me, so I think that as soon as she'll hear the door opening, she'll hide under the covers. Right?

Ok, here goes nothing Jungkook.

I open the door and run to search some clothes and, after picking up the first pair of underwear, pants and shirt, I immediately run back into the bathroom.

As I close the door behind me, I lean on it with my back and sigh in relief.

"She was hiding under the covers" I whisper to myself.

After I got changed, I went back the bedroom and found y/n reading a book. I really want to ask her what she's reading, but I know she would just stay silent.

I sigh and go to my bed, where I sit up looking at my phone. It's almost lunch time and the nurses should come in any moment.


I turn around and see the nurses coming in with our food, while y/n didn't move.

"Hi Jungkook, hi Y/n! Here's your lunch!" they give it to us and leave right away.

I quickly begin to eat, since I'm very hungry after my long work out. I look to the side and see y/n still reading. Why doesn't she eat? I mean, I don't know which type of disease she has, but starving herself is not good.

"You should eat" I say to her and I see her reacting for the first time. It's not that much, she just tightened the grip on her book. Was it anger? Was it frustration? I don't know, but at least I earned a reaction from her.

As I keep eating, I hear some growling and eventually turn around, to see the girl holding her stomach, she must be really hungry. Why isn't she eating? I mean, all I can guess is that she's shocked and just had a pretty bad trauma.

She should eat anyway. If she's hospitalized in this hospital ward, it means that she'll need some kind of a treatment to recover and I know for sure that she should eat to gain energies.

But I can't force her, right? After all she doesn't even talk or look at me.

After I finished eating, I decide to also read, not a book, a newspaper.

It talks about everything. Sports, politics, economy...everything. It's actually a distraction from the awkward and annoying situation with this new girl here.

And that's how both of her and my anfternoon went by. Reading.

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