Chapter Twenty Four: The Crowning

Start from the beginning

Celephinniel ushered the rest of the host to their places and a hush fell across all those gathered. Thranduil gave Legolas a hearty embrace, then looked about him. "You have done well, ionnin. And there is more good news I must share with you. When Autumn meets winter, so shall our family grow." He looked at Alethris's blooming face.

Legolas smiled and embraced her as he took in his father's words. "I am so thrilled with your news and look forward to meeting my little sister."

Suddenly, Alethris stood back, clasping her belly and laughing. "Oh, I think I felt the quickening, like a little butterfly inside of me. I think she is looking forward to meeting you, too."

From the centre of the Arena, Gandalf signalled that the time had come. Celephinniel and Óliel then held Alethris's train as she and Thranduil entered the Arena ahead of Legolas. When they reached the pedestal, Celephinniel and Óliel stood back beside him as Gandalf said a few words. Then Alethris made an oath that by the will of Eru, the one she would serve her people. Gandalf then placed the crown upon her head, and all those gathered cheered loudly as he proclaimed her queen of the Woodland Realm.

Legolas noticed that as she smiled and waved, her other hand was on her belly and he knew his little sister was making her presence known. Thranduil then escorted Alethris to the platform, and they sat upon the two thrones, while Legolas, Gandalf, Celephinniel and Óliel sat with Elrond's company.

Thranduil then stood to address the crowd. "My good people, honoured guests. At long last, a Queen walks again in the Great Green Wood." The crowd cheered ecstatically at his words. "Mellris! Alethris!" echoed around the Arena before Thranduil silenced them again. He then took his wife's hand as she stood, kissed her, then turned back to the crowds. "Behold your Queen! Alethris of Eryn Lasgalen! Vice Regent of Arnor and Princess of the Reunited Realm of Arnor and Gondor!" Again cheers erupted from the crowds. As Thranduil and Alethris waved to the well wishers, Legolas and Óliel exchanged happy glances as they celebrated with them. Then a flash of white caught his Elf sight. He looked up and thought he saw the white doe watching the proceedings. Beside her stood a figure dressed in green with long silver hair. He then heard Gimli's voice calling out to him and waved him over to join them. But when he looked back to where the mysterious observer had been, both he and the doe had disappeared.


Under the moonlight, Aiwendil watched the festivities in his owl form. Below him, his sister and her husband danced with their guests. Her crown glittering brightly and catching the moonlight as she moved. Elves, Men and Dwarves all feasted together as they celebrated Almárie's crowning. He would have liked to have congratulated her, but he was no longer incarnate and had no desire to be again. Besides, everyone knew Radagast had died from the torture he had endured at Dol Guldur. He could not walk among them in that form again. Legolas had almost caught him out as he watched the proceedings alongside the white doe. She had come to see the new queen crowned, knowing her blood debt would soon be repaid and her release with it.

Almárie's mission would soon be over and she would return to Aman, but his own mission was just beginning. He remembered Lady Yavanna's last words to him. "You must teach the men to honour my creations, not just use them. Teach the lesser magic, not the magic of rings and weapons. But the magic of sticks and stones. Of Earth, fire, air and water. Only then can my creations thrive." But how could he teach men in Fea form?

The white doe appeared again on the other side of the crowded clearing. She raised her head in acknowledgement and indicated he should follow her. He spread his wings, hooting as he flew across the festivities, back into the dark canopy of the woods. There the doe stood, shining like a beacon in the half-light, as if she had absorbed the very rays of the moon. At the sight of him, she lept away, so fast it was hard for Aiwendil to keep up with her. She slowed as they neared the stone circle, though she did not enter. The moon's rays bathed the clearing in an unearthly light. In its centre now stood Galadriel's basin, proud and tall in its new home. The moon's image reflecting in its still water.

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