{A U T H O R N O T E}

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Hey everyone!

I hope you love my new cover! I thought it needed a fresh update now that the story has developed and Phoenix is a bad bitch.

I apologise that this isn't a new chapter post but I wanted to give you all a little update on what I've been thinking to do with my story and answer a few questions I have seen in the comments that people have been rather confused about. 

First of all, as always I am so appreciative of you all being so patient with me. Ever since I have been back to work, the time I've spent on writing has become non existent and my brain is absolutely fried after work, so its been a huge mental struggle for me to write chapters and be creative. All of you have been so kind and given me so much support, I can't thank you enough!

I still am in disbelief that my story has become so popular and I have been able to build somewhat of a platform, no matter how small it is, but everyday I am amazed that people actually love my writing!

On the subject of my writing, I have looked back to my old chapter and I am hugely unhappy with how my story started. I feel like I have developed a lot in writing and now when I look back at the beginning of Little Phoenix, I feel disappointed in myself. 

With that I am going to do a re-write of the beginning of my story. I don't think I captured Fred and Phoenix's relationship that well and Phoenix and George's relationship should be more like how they are now. I stuck to the original Harry Potter story too much and I feel that I want to change it now that it will become a better story as a whole. 

A few things I have seen in the comments is: 

What happened between Draco and his mum? Basically when Lucius killed himself, Narcissa blamed a lot on Draco, she didn't want to be in his presence, she seen him as Lucius and was angry at Draco for his fathers Death. This was all happening when Voldemort was threatening the Malfoy family, wanting to give Draco the mark if Lucius wouldn't do as he said, and Draco was only 16-17 at the time so this would have been traumatic for him and for his own mother to resent him when his father died, of course he would hate her. 

Snape and Phoenix's mum, Evelyn being together- So, I wanted Snape to have a big part in Phoenix's life, even more than what he has already, so for him to of actually been with her mother, throughout the birth, he becomes more of a father than just the forced adoption that he wanted everyone to think. 

Yes, Voldemort is still Phoenix's biological father, as well as Grindelwald being her grandfather. So she is a Grindelwald-Riddle. 

I think those were the only two things that my readers were confused about within the story form what I seen in the comments so I hope that this helped AND if you have any there questions about the story please let me know in the comments <3 

ALSO about my alternate endings, I am struggling with Freds ending in the sense of getting rid of Draco, I have grown an attachment to him and I'm finding it really hard to get rid of him for Fred to be the love interest. So what I'm thinking is to make Draco and Phoenix's relationship purely a friendship within Fred's ending, he would care about her like George does and that way I can keep him within Fred's ending which is what I want.

Let me know what you think, I would greatly appreciate any feedback or ideas <3 

The new chapter is in the works and will be out this week.

I love you all so very much! 

Stay sexy 



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