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Coming out of the small room, I peaked my head out to see if anyone was around. The coast was clear, I nodded towards Fred for us to leave.

We quickly moved, he wrapped is arm around me, attempting to act completely casual. I had to bite back a giggle from our sneaky behaviour, until Fred let out a snort. I burst into a fit of laughter, with him joining me soon after, I held my finger up to my lips and hushed him as we were walking into the Great Hall once again.

Scanning the room, I could see Malfoy and his friends, in the same place, and still laughing with his group of annoying friends. I shoot him an evil glare, my eyes flashing red, but I'm in too good of a mood to let him bother me right now. He glared back at me with a smirk on his lips.

We sit down with our group, Fred holding a large smile on his face.

"Where have you two been then?" Ron continues to eat, scoffing chocolate cake as he speaks.

"Oh, just went for some air." I smile at him, connecting eyes with Hermione who is staring at me with narrowed eyes. I raise my brows at her, with a small smirk on my face. I see her eyes widen slightly as she looks away, I could tell she was holding back a laugh.


The next evening, Harry managed to get the clue from the golden egg, attempting to figure it out for weeks he finally cracked the code, but he still needed to understand the clue itself.

I meet Harry, Ron and Hermione in the library, who are all reading and writing the song, attempting to understand the clues meaning, and how Harry is going to possibly breath underwater.

"How you guys getting on?" I ask the group, the all look exhausted and stressed.

"Let's just say, I'm screwed." Harry says, banging is head against an open book.

I roll my eyes at him, "Something will come up Harry." I touch his hand, the flood of his emotions hits me hard, the panic and stress, I quickly remove my hand from his, my eyes turning a grey colour.

Moody comes in out of nowhere, looking weird as always. He says that McGonagall would like to see Hermione and Ron. I narrow my eyes at him, getting a strange feeling, but I push it to the back of my mind.

I feel that I should leave as well. Squeezing Harry on the shoulder, I begin walking deeper into the library. I need to grab a book for my potions studies, but those books are held near the back.

The shelves are getting darker and darker, as I walk further in, I cast lumos with my hand, holding the light out in front of me, it radiates through my palm to my fingertips.

As I am walking, I begin hearing strange noises. They get louder as I walk nearer the back, sort of like groaning and kissing. My brows knit together, still holding the light out in front of me, I begin scanning the walkways.

I managed to find the book I was looking for, but I am still curious to where those noises are coming from, so I walk further into the darkness. 

"Ohh fuck."

My eyes grow wide, as I find the voice rather familiar. I continue to scan the walkways, and then I am stopped dead in my tracks.

My heart is pounding.

My throat tightening.

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