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A/N: Hey everyone!! I missed you!

I had a little bit of time away from writing, mostly due to working and being so mentally exhausted! But I cannot describe how thankful I am to all of you for being so god damn amazing and not pressuring me into posting, it honestly has helped me so much and allowed me to rest my mind and be able to come back to writing!

I love you all so freaking much and we are soo close to 400K! AHHHH!

Stay sexy my friends <3

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It was as if all of the blood in my body ran cold.

The air was non-existent in my lungs as I held my breath, I didn't know how long I was holding it for but I felt unable to fill my body with oxygen.

I shivered— flicking my eyes over the table of death eaters, meeting their cold stares. Finally connecting eyes with the leader of evil— Voldemort.

His red eyes burned into me while his mouth curled up into a smile, revealing sharp and jagged teeth that were yellow-stained and rotten.

I finally found a breath, it caught in my throat and my chest rose as I allowed my lungs to fill. I swallowed hard and spoke.

"You're lying," I whispered, it was all I could mutter.

It had to be— it had to all be a lie, some sick joke. I thought at first that it must have been a joke as the whole table bellowed out with loud cackling laughter, Bellatrix being the loudest and most dominant laugh of the room while Voldemort chuckled darkly.

"No, my child..." Voldemort spoke in his chilling tone. "Evelyn Grindelwald was your mother's name— and I am your father."

I shivered again while bile rises in my throat. My body keels over slightly, only to be stopped and held back up by the gripping hands of Greyback.

My head snaps back up and my teeth grit together as the rage begins coursing through my blood.


My loud outburst causes a couple of death eaters to rise from their seats, their eyes wide.

"Don't fear my friends," Voldemort ushered them to take their seats. "I do not speak a lie, girl. My blood flows in your veins."

My breath was heavy, my chest heaving as I sucked in and released air from my lungs.

"Why?" I utter through gridded teeth.

The grip from Greyback became tighter, his long fingernails digging into my skin and Voldemort chuckled again.

"You were a mere experiment— a test of what true power could create," Voldemort rose from his large chair. "Your mother was devoted to the idea of having a child and was successful in conceiving and carrying you— until she found out my plans."

Voldemort moved gracefully around the table, slowly walking behind his group of followers who stay seated.

"What plans?" I urged for him to continue.

"Have you heard of a Horcrux?"

I didn't know what he was talking about, but the word sent shivers down my spine. I shook my head, not removing my eyes away from his.

"I have objects that contain part of my soul, making me... Immortal," Voldemort walked closer. "You were my plan— my plan for power and immortality, a child with the power of the greatest wizards to ever exist and a Horcrux inside, you were perfection."

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