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A/N: Hey my sexy lot!

Once again I want to thank you for being so patient with me, I love you all so so much! I will attempt in getting more chapters written so I won't fall behind again, I'm so sorry for being a shite author <3 

Anyway, hope you enjoy this one and STAY FUCKING SEXY!!!

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Time has been uncertain ever since I was forced back into the cell I woke up in. Days could have passed by and I wouldn't even have known it. There were no windows for me to look out of, even to know where the sun is, it is all just black.

The task of murdering one of the greatest wizards of all time sits heavy on my chest, I didn't know what to do— I felt hopeless.

My magic had been removed once again, the white thread wrapped itself around my palms and wrists like chains, it was the only thing I could see in the darkness. I felt like nothing without my magic coursing through my veins, was I even a Morphmagi with my abilities ripped from my being?

After finding an old rag on the floor of the cell, I poorly wrapped it over my wound on my calf where Bellatrix stabbed me, my leg throbbed and ached badly but I pushed back the painful ache, pulling my knees in close towards my chest and place my head through the gap, hiding my face as tears began to streak down my cheeks, burning my skin.


After a softly spoken voice comes from the cell door, the loud creak of the old metal vibrates through the air, followed by the clicking of heels against the cobbled flooring.

A woman walks through, the dim blue light illuminates from her wand tip as she strides over to me. I admired her face, she is very pretty, her platinum blonde hair was tied half up and half down with bouncy curls which cascade over her shoulders.

She kneels before me, holding the light up to my face causing me to squint and wince as the light burns my eyes.

After they adjusted, I meet her bright blue eyes and I knew— she's Draco's mother.

He looked like her, although his face had more harshness and sharp edges, whereas she was more soft and delicate, which got me wondering if his harshness came from his father.

I see her lips pull up into a small smile before she spoke.

"I'm Narcissa." She said, her voice light as air. "I am sorry this has happened to you, my love."

"You wouldn't follow him if you were sorry." My words come out all croaky and weak but they still caused the woman to blink at me in surprise.

Narcissa's mouth fell open to speak but no words had come to the surface.

"Why are you here?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"My son— I know you have been with my son for all this time," Narcissa spoke, her voice trembling. "You fight like him, he taught you?"

I straighten my head and swallow back the pain of missing Draco. "I'm not saying a word about Draco— you neglected him when he needed you the most."

Narcissa slowly nodded as her eyes fell from mine. "He is so much like his father. After Lucius died— I-I couldn't look at Draco without seeing my husband." Her eyes began to sparkle in the dim blue light.

"Have you just come here to tell me about your sad life? What do you want, Narcissa?"

"Severus," Narcissa uttered, my fathers' name sent chills up my spine. "He has heard of your capture and wants me to keep watch on you— unfortunately the dark lord will find you, now that he has marked you."

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