the new girl

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we're about half way through 10th grade. i'm sitting in class next to jack. we're courently sitting in history. the most boring class on earth. we're holding hands and talking cause we were waiting for the class to start. alex and trevor jacks bestfriends also my friends now butt into our conversation. "so buckos have you heard of the new girl that's coming today" trevor asks. no comes from me jack and alex. "oh well her name is chelsea comar." trevor says with a smirk. as if right on que she walks in and everyone's eyes goes straight to her. "she's gorgeous" alex says. mhm comes from both trevor and jack. i slap jacks shoulder. "ouch" jack says rubbing his shoulder. turns out she plays softball. we became really good friends really fast.
*4 months later*
i was walking into the cafeteria talking to one of my team mates about the game later i look over to the table me and jack sit at to see chelsea in my spot and then jack kisses her cheek and everyone looks at them in disgust. i feel tears start to form. i see alex point to me and they turn around. jack and chelsea start chasing after me. alex and trevor hot on their trails same with quinn. quinn comes to hug me and i collapsed in his arms. jack comes to try to hug me but quinn pushes him away. "jules i'm so sorry" chelsea says. "no. no your not" "do you have any idea what it's like to be a teenage girl and to look like this!" i yell in between sobs "ju-" "of course not because your tiny. your tiny and your beautiful and you've always been beautiful and this what you stuck me with". i say with more tears coming down my face. i see tears in both chelsea and jacks eyes. i look over to jack. "you should go. go be with your new perfect little girlfriend. i'm sorry i wasn't enough i'm sorry i wasn't shaped perfectly or or have blond hair." i say crying even harder "jules don't do this" jack says with a tear sliding down his face "go" i say looking him in the eyes seeing the tears fully starting to fall. "n-no we promise that we were not going to break each other's hearts" he says crying "well it looked like one of us made a promise they couldn't keep" i say with no tears left to cry. i look at jack to see him stunned and with tears still falling down his face. i walk away and head to my car to go home.

*jacks pov*
"FUCK" i yell kicking over the garbage can
"you really messed up jack. i'm very disgusted with you. my own fucking brother. breaking a girls heart like that. i don't even know if i can cal you my brother anymore." quinn says with a tear sliding down his face as he turns to walk away. great now i've loses my brother as well. "i don't even know who you are at this point" alex says as he walks back into the school. "you really really fucked up jack don't talk to me" trev says as he walks away.

*back to jules*
i finally get home and wipe my makeup off and get greasy for my game i put on my uniform my mascara and eye black i grab my softball bag and head to the fields. the hughes family and my dad and sister always come to my games to cheer me on. i think ellen is my number one fan aside from my dad. she even made t shirts with my last name and number on it. i was just hoping jack wouldn't be there even though he said he would always go no matter what happens between us. i get to the field and start warming up with my team mates i am deciding to take all my anger out during the game today. i was throwing partners with alexis today the one i was talking to in the cafeteria today when it happens so she understands. it was time for the game to start. i'm the teams d1 pitcher so this should be fun. i do a couple practice pitches and then i'm all set. i look up in the stands and there is the whole hughes family even jack sitting there watching me my sister and dad couldn't come cause they were busy but it's okay they have others ones to go to. i throw my first pitch. "STRIKE" comes from the umpire. "nice one miller" my coach gives me a thumbs up. i throw to more strikes and then it's chant time. i cup my hands around my mouth when it's dead silent and yell. "ONE DOWN TWO TO GO" clapping my hand with my glove  and swiping it in the dirt with my teammates in the field and in the dugout repeating me. i finish pitching and ended up striking out the two other girls. "hey miller i don't know wats up with you today but i like it keep it up" he says giving me a side hug. alexis is up to bat first and since i'm the loudest i always start the chants. "alexis is in the box she's rollin up her socks she's got a home run on her mind and woo she's looking fine. mighty fine" me and my team mates yell. and boom a home run. it's my turn to bay. i've never hit a home run before jsut line drives to center field. i get up to bay and i feel eyes burning into the back of my head i turn to see jack  i roll my eyes and then i see leek and quinn giving me a thumbs up with huge grins making me laugh. " MY NAME IS ALEXIS AND YOU KNOW WHAT I GOT?"
"WHAT DO YOU GOT" my team mates yell in response. "I GOR A BATTER THAT HOTTER THEN HOT" "HOW HOT IS HOT" "GRAND SLAMS AND HOME RUNS TOO" "UHUHUH" "LETS SEE WHAT JULES CAN DO" i laugh at their silly ness. i grip my easton ghost in my hands a little tighter then usual and watch the pitcher carefully. she pitches and the ball is perfect and i hit it with all my strength. and the ball goes flying way over the fence. i flip my bat and start running towards first base then second and then third i see my team standing around the home plate i jump on it and they all fall down. we ended up winning the game every time i was up to bat the ball goes over the fence every time. we go over to the side lines and do our sprints like we do after every game. me and alexis always finish first. they call us speedsters. i had a very good day after that until i got home. 

i got home and opens the door to see my dad and sister sitting at the table. "uh what's wrong" i say. "we're moving" my dad says. and i just drop everything and run out of the house i run into luke. he always goes on a run at this time. "woah" he says "jules hey hey what's wrong" "my dad jsut told me we're moving" i say outta breath. luke starts crying and just holds me on the side walk. i told the hughes family except jack. i haven't talked to him since earlier today. turns out we're moving to oklahoma which is fine with me i was planing on going there anways with the scholarship i earned. with in what feels like hours of packing the next day we were on the road.

long time no seeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें