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1:15 p.m.

"Can you tell me about him? Like, tell me all the things he has done to you. I have all day." I see Troye hesitate. I see his adam's apple bob up and down.

"W-Well, he basically abused me. He beaten me, threaten me, and starved m-me. I didn't want him to do that. P-Please don't do any of that to me, T-Tyler. You're the only one I actually trust here even though we met and—" A nurse walks into the room. We all looked at her.

When I heard those words leaving Troye's mouth, I felt sorry. I wanted to hug him and tell him everything's going to be all right. But it isn't. It can become the complete opposite. I was about to cry, until the nurse finally spoke up.

"Tyler? Dr. Winston needs to see you for a second in his office," she says. I nod and leave the room with the nurse. We were walking through Ward X towards the door. We find the exit and leave. I then sprint to his office while hearing the nurse's heels click against the floor.

I smile a fake smile when I enter the room. I sit down on a chair and I see him scoot in his chair. He folds his hands on his desk. This must be serious. "You needed me?" He nods.

"I saw on the notes from the therapy session with Troye," he announces. I gulp. He passes me the notes from today's session. And I forgot to erase some things on there. My eyes widen.

"I-I was thinking of my girlfriend, actually, and put down these. She has a beautiful voice and is adorable as fuck and—"

"I don't want any of your lame excuses, Mr. Oakley. You're excluded from falling in love with a mental patient, or else I'll fire you or move you to a different mental hospital or a different ward. You don't want that. You're a good therapist and all, Tyler. That's why I hired you here. And if you keep it up—"

"Okay, okay. I got it. Can I leave now?" I say, trying to be polite as fuck. He sighs and shoos me out of his office. Then, I hear Dr. Winston's voice as I touch the handle. I look behind myself. He stood up.

"Don't fall in love with anyone here, Tyler. You can get worse than being fired," he threatens and glares at me. I quickly nod and leave the room. I sprint back to Ward X where Troye was, totally disobeying Dr. Winston.

I open his cell door and is met with a smiling Troye. He jogs towards me. "What happened? Why did he need you? What—"

"I'm okay, okay? He just threatened me that he would fire me. Anyways, what're you writing?" I ask. He points at an area and walks over there. He picks up a sheet of paper. I skim over the words. This song is amazing. "Is this the song you sang earlier?" He nods. "This song is amazing... When did you learn to write like this?" He shrugs.

"I used to be in school plays and sometimes we wrote our own songs... But—"

"But what?" I say, eagerly. He bites his lower lip and looks at the ground kicking rocks.

"I'll tell you later. You need to eat your lunch—"

"You too!" I say, quickly making out a point. "Ya know what, I'll get lunch for us. How does pizza sound?" He smiles and nods. "I'll have a nurse take you to my office and we can eat some pizza there. Sounds like a plan?"

"Yeah. See you soon," he says smiling. I leave his room and see Dr. Winston turn a corner, so I hide behind a corner. He then enter Troye's cell and I start to worry.  He opens the door and shuts it close behind himself.

I then quickly make my way out of the ward and into the parking lot. I then leave the parking lot and into the institution.

2:01 p.m.

mentally in love ☼ troyler auWhere stories live. Discover now