Chapter 32

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"Why would you hit him?!" Felix shouted, looking at red handprint on Chan's cheek. Seungmin rolled his eyes, turning all of his attention to his best friend. "When were you going to tell me this? Why did you keep something like this from me?"

"Look at how people are treating us! It hasn't even been more than 30 minutes and people are already bullying us! Isn't it obvious as to why Chan didn't say anything?!" Felix said, visibly stressed.

"Also the fact that it's none of your business anyway." Jisung added. Seungmin scoffed loudly. "The bullying is nothing you guys have never done to me and It is my business! He promised to always be honest to me and Jeongin! Right, Inny?!" Jeongin jumped at the mention of his name. He trembled under Seungmin's intense glare.

"D-don't bring me into this!" The young boy said, holding tightly onto his boyfriend for comfort. Hyunjin softly smiled at the younger boy, hoping to help calm his nerves.

"Seungmin, please stop bringing everybody into this. If you have an issue with me, it's between us not them." Chan finally spoke.

"We will talk about this later on after school okay?" The older boy reassured. Seungmin didn't respond, suddenly falling dead silent.

"Where's Changbin?" Jisung asked. Chan sighed loudly, hearing that question one too many times today.

"Hiding like a pussy." Felix said coldly. The group of boys gave him a questioning look. "Hiding?" Hyunjin asked.

"He's the one who posted the video of me and Chan." Felix deadpanned.

"How do you know this?" Jisung asked. Felix sighed, explaining everything that happened yesterday night to the group of boys who listened intently.

"I knew Changbin was a dick, but I didn't think he was that much of a dick." Jisung said.

"You're a liar!" Seungmin shouted. "Changbin would never do such a thing!" Felix gritted his teeth in annoyance. Seungmin has been testing him way too much today. First, accusing him of hitting Chan, then him slapping Chan, and now calling him a liar?

"No. Felix is not a liar." Chan said harshly.

"You act like you know him. I've been friends with him for years. You've literally only known him for a couple weeks. You're really stupid, you know that right?" The blonde boy laughed bitterly.

"What would you know? You're literally the school slut. Everybody knows it." Seungmin shot back. Chan looked at Felix who's eye was twitching, a nice indicator that his anger was reaching a boiling point.

"Seungmin, I advise you watch it." Chan said in attempts of preventing two fights from happening in not even a 24 hour time span.

"I mean you spread your legs open for just about everybody. Even your step brother. Are you that desperate for validation?" Seungmin continued, ignoring Chan completely.

"You mother fucker!" Felix screamed loudly, drawing attention in from students outside the library who were walking to their next class. Felix pounced on top of Seungmin, hitting and slapping him as hard as he could.

"Hey! S-stop!" Jeongin called out.

"You literally can't hit for shit. It feels like a kitten punching me." Seungmin laughed.

Many students began flooding into the library, crowding around the group of boys. Many were cheering, others were just screaming for the hell of it. "Beat his ass, Felix!" A boy named Jungkook screamed.

"I think the nerd should beat that incestuous twink up. The whore deserves it honestly." Jennie, a girl Felix shared math with said to her best friend Lisa.

Chan stood there frozen, mind shutting down completely. His best friend was fighting his step brother. Two of the three boys he loved and cared about tremendously were fighting each other.

"Are you gonna do anything?!" Hyunjin asked, snapping his fingers in front of Chan to try to get him back into reality. Chan didn't move, his feet refused to.

He continued to watch Felix hit Seungmin, both screaming hateful things at one another. Seungmin didn't even bother hitting back. He just laid there, taking all of the abuse Felix was giving him.

Chan knew what Seungmin was doing. If he didn't hit back, his punishment with the school wouldn't be as serious as Felix's would be. He was trying to play his cards right.

"God dammit!" Minho yelled, going up to Felix and peeling him off of the taller boy. Felix kicked and screamed, desperately trying to get out of Minho's tight hold.

"Let me fucking go!" Felix screamed.

"I will fucking ruin you!" He screamed again, this time with tears beginning to stream down his face. Hyunjin held out a hand for Seungmin, helping the boy up off the ground. Jeongin ran up to the boy to check and see if he was okay.

"What is the meaning of all this?!" Mr. Yoon screamed, squeezing past the group of kids who had gathered to watched the fight. He looked to see Seungmin with red marks all over his neck and arms, and Felix being held back by Minho, tears falling rapidly down his cheeks while he thrashed and screamed in his hold.

"Kim Seungmin and Lee Felix! You're both coming with me to the principals office this instant! All of you, get to class!" Mr. Yoon shouted, causing Chan to snap back to reality.

He looked at his little brother who was ugly crying, clinging onto Minho's shoulder. He then looked at Seungmin, who was smirking as if he had won something.

Minho wrapped a comforting arm around the blonde, walking with him to the principals office. Seungmin followed beside Mr. Yoon quietly. All the students followed out behind the boys, looking back at Chan snickering and laughing.

"They're fucking freaks. Him and his brother." One girl giggled, causing the whole group she was with to laugh loudly. "We should get out of here before we catch their disease." Another girl laughed.

The group of boys watched as the library cleared out, leaving just them in a tense silence.

"Jesus fucking Christ." Jisung said, breaking the awkward silence they were all left in.

"Are you okay?" Jeongin asked Chan.

Throughout all of this Chan has tried to stay strong for Felix, but he was also at his breaking point. He felt one singular tear fall from his eye. He was far from okay.

"I am not okay, no." Chan spoke softly.

Jeongin pulled Chan into a tight hug, wrapping his small arms around the muscular body of his best friend.

"It's okay. It'll be okay." Jeongin tried reassuring. All Chan could do was hope that the younger boy was right, because all hell was currently breaking lose. Everything seemed far from okay.

hey guys! i lied. here's an update lol <3 this book only has a few more chapters to go and then it's finished! thank you for sticking with me so far on the journey of me literally writing a whole ass book for the first time ever. i have much ways to go and i am a bit harsh on myself but that just leaves room for more improvement!

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