Chapter 13

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Felix felt like a fool. not only did he let his guard down like an idiot, but he got rejected too. Two things he was not used to. His pride was crushed and his heart broke a little. Felix was pissed and he was determined to make Chan feel like shit for it.

Felix ignored Chan for a week. He ignored him as if his life depended on it. He spent most of his days at Hyunjin's house in desperate attempts of avoiding him. Felix had a plan in way and he was determined to carry it out.

School had finally let out for spring break which meant that Felix would have plenty of time to fuck with his brother. His first part of the plan was to use Changbin. Felix knew Chan hated Changbin with a passion so he was a great way of getting back at him.

Felix decided he would come home today. He intentionally brought Changbin with him. Right before they were about to enter the house Felix made a request. "Kiss me." Changbin gladly obliged and pulled his boyfriend into a deep passionate kiss. Felix pulled his boyfriend closer, lightly grinding his body onto him in the process. "Take me inside and fuck me." Felix seductively whispered. "Is anybody home?" Changbin asked.

"No. It's just you and me baby." Felix of course was lying. He knew Chan was home. Chan usually spent most of his time home these days. He was always in the living room so this was perfect. Felix pulled his boyfriend back into a kiss while keeping him close. He awkwardly opened the door while still kissing Changbin passionately. Changbin threw Felix onto the wall behind them and started rubbing Felix's growing member.

Felix took the oppurtinuty to look over Changbin's shoulder and smiled the second he saw Chan was right where he wanted him. Felix locked Chan dead in the eyes and smirked. He went back to focusing on Changbin, pretending like Chan wasn't even there. "F-fuck, Binnie. Touch me more..." Felix moaned loudly. Changbin snaked his hands inside Felix's pants and stroked his leaking cock.

Felix moaned and pulled his boyfriend back into a kiss. Felix honestly loved this. The power he had in this situation was enough to make him go insane. The fact that Chan was watching them turned Felix on even more. Knowing Chan would snap at any minute made Felix's cock twitch with anticipation. This was his sick way of getting back at his brother for crushing his pride.

Everybody knew that Felix had no shame. He was cruel. Felix knew the damage he was causing by doing what he was doing but he didn't care. In his eyes, Chan deserved it for hurting him. Felix had horrible coping skills and an even worse thought process.

"Go do that shit somewhere else!" Chan screamed from behind them. Changbin jumped at Chan's loud voice and quickly pulled away from Felix. "O-oh... I thought you said nobody was home." Changbin awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. Felix started laughing hysterically. "Guess I was wrong." He shrugged. "Don't mind him, Binnie. He's just jealous he can't get laid. He's mad because he knows nobody with a brain would touch him with a ten foot pole." Felix loved this.

"Come on, Binnie. Let's take this to my room." Felix grabbed hold of his boyfriend's hand and guided him up the stairs. Chan was fuming. He couldn't say he was surprised though. Felix often did fucked up shit like this in retaliation towards the people who hurt him. Felix was absolutely horrible when it came to dealing with situations. When it came to something like fight or flight, Felix fought. He fought tooth and nail.

Felix thought that hurting others who hurt him was the best way to solve all life's problems. Chan knew deep down that what happened between them last week hurt Felix significantly. Felix would never admit it of course. Felix wasn't the best at expressing his feelings. Chan wasn't the best at doing so either.

Chan sat there with nothing but anger and frustration seeping out of him. He could hear Felix all the way from upstairs. He knew Felix was being loud intentionally. He could never stand the thought of Changbin touching Felix, but now after their last few days with each other, he especially couldn't stand it.

Chan's feelings were running around rabid like a wild animal. They were already too far gone and hard to contain. Chan knew the best option would be to try to talk with Felix and apologize. Chan knew that Felix was only going to find worse ways to intentionally fuck with him.

He would be lying if he said he didn't want to go all the way with Felix. He's wanted to for quite some time. The only thing stopping him is himself. Chan was battling himself and what he truly wanted.

He knew that if he didn't man up soon, all hell would break lose. Chan was already certain Felix liked him, because if he didn't Felix wouldn't have gone through such lengths to get to where they are now. He also wouldn't have gotten hurt by what happened.

Sure they were brothers but they weren't blood related. Being stubborn and pushing each others limits didn't seem like the logical thing to do.

The more Chan thought about it, the more it made sense. Chan just wanted to be happy and not worry anymore. At this point he didn't care if it was with Felix or not. Chan wanted Felix and Felix wanted him in return.

Chan made up his mind. He was going to apologize to Felix and give all of himself to him.

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