Chapter 17

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Chan was sitting in the living room reading a book. Felix had gone off with Minho, Jisung, and Changbin on a double date. Their parents were gonna be home any minute. Chan sat there unable to focus on what he was reading. His mind was clouded on the fact that Felix was out right now with Changbitch. Chan desperately wanted to tell him not to go, but he didn't have the balls.

Chan couldn't find it within himself to tell his brother what to do. He especially didn't have the right to do so either. Just because they were intimate, doesn't mean that Chan gets to be his little brother's keeper. Felix was his own person and Chan knew that very well.

Chan heard the front door opening to reveal his parents who just got back from their vacation. "Hi sweetie, where's Felix?" was the first thing his stepmom said to him once they got into the house. "I'm not sure. I think he is out with his stupid boyfriend." Chan spat.

"Alright, well I'm gonna call Felix and tell him that we are having family movie night." His dad said. Chan just nodded his head and helped his step mom bring in all of their belongings. Once back inside, Chan eavesdropped on his dad's call with his brother. "Hey, Lix. Be home by 6. We are having family movie night, and you can bring Changbin as well." Chan rolled his eyes, feeling jealous once more. He didn't know if he would be able to stand the sight of them together.

"Can you set up the living room while your mom and I go unpack?" Chan's dad asked. Chan nodded his head even though he didn't want to. He was not looking forward to tonight. He knew for a fact Felix was going to bring his scumbag of a boyfriend. Chan couldn't exactly opt out of family movie night either, because he didn't want to upset his parents.

Chan sighed and grabbed a bunch of blankets out of the closet and set them on the couch. He grabbed a stack of movies and put them on the coffee table. He put the TV remotes next to the movies and plopped down onto the couch. It was nearing 6, meaning that they should be home any minute.

As Chan's parents walked downstairs, Felix walked into the front door. Chan's face lit up the second he saw that Felix was alone. Maybe he didn't bring him like he had expected. His hopes were quickly crushed once he saw Changbitch walk in quickly behind him. "Hey Felix! Chan's dad smiled, "Changbin! It's been a while!" He said while pulling the shorter boy into an awkward hug. Changbin smiled charmingly at the older man and Chan rolled his eyes in disgust.

Chan sat there watching all four of them catch up. Changbin had his arm wrapped around Felix's waist and it drove him insane. Chan felt his anger slowly boil the longer he sat in their presence. "Chan honey! Come join us!" His step mom said. All of them stopped to look at Chan. Felix had an expression on his face that was unreadable. He couldn't tell if Felix was doing this on purpose or not, but knowing Felix, he probably was. Chan didn't know why. He didn't do anything to upset Felix. Chan felt like a fool for thinking it would actually be different between them. Maybe Felix did use him. Chan forced a smile out before politely declining.

A few minutes had passed and all of them joined Chan in the living room to start watching a movie. Chan sat furthest away from everybody, wrapped tightly in a blanket. Changbin and Felix were cuddling in each other's arms. Their parents also cuddled together on the couch. Felix and Changbin giggled nonstop during the movie, flirting and kissing one another the second their parents weren't looking.

Chan tried his hardest not to look and get phased by the two boys. He didn't quite understand why Felix was doing this. They hadn't left off on a bad note, so why was Felix seemingly tormenting him? The night was agonizingly long. Chan and Felix's parents had called it a night, and Chan had seemingly fallen asleep on the couch.

He woke up to a loud thud. He looked up to see Felix on top of Changbin, kissing and grinding on top of him with no shame. Chan felt his heartbeat quicken in pace. For some reason he felt tears begin to form in the corner of his eyes. "Why are you doing this shit near me?" Chan questioned angrily. Felix froze and snapped his head towards the direction of Chan's voice. Felix's face held a blank expression. Changbin sat there staring awkwardly.

"Honestly, do you ever learn?" Chan's voice became louder. "You really are nothing but a disgusting whore. If only Changbin knew of the things you've done behind his back. You're fucking disgusting." Chan stormed upstairs, hot tears streaming down his face. How could he have been so stupid? There was no such thing as common decency when it came to Lee Felix. 


Im not sure if i like how this is turning out but please let me know 

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