Chapter 10

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It's been two days since Gibbs was discharged from the hospital. But he was not allowed to go back to his job. He was on his sick leaves. And Gibbs was not happy with this idea. He was getting frustrated. He just wants to go back on the field and wanted to catch the bad guys. He wanted to get himself busy in some cases and desperately wanted to go back to his normal life.

But it's not that simple. He is still having nightmares about losing Jack or he was being forced to watch her die. Gibbs has didn't tell about these nightmares to anyone, not even Jack. But she knows something is wrong with him. She decides to talk with Gibbs about it. Because whenever Gibbs fell asleep, he started screaming and yelling and then he violently woke up.

In the evening

Gibbs was reading a book and then he fell asleep on the couch. He was sleeping peacefully. But suddenly he started struggling against something. He started screaming and yelling. His face was covered with sweat. And then he heard someone is calling his name.

"Hey, Gibbs! Wake up. It's okay. It's just a dream. Wake up. GIBBS!" Sloane shook his shoulders gently and tried to wake him up.

"NO... JACK!" Gibbs yelled and woke up violently. He was sweating. His heart was beating so fast in his chest.

"Easy... easy, Gibbs. It was just a bad dream. Relax and tell me about it." Jack said as she gave him a glass of water.

Gibbs took the glass and started drinking water. His hands were shaking. Sloane had noticed that and that was a very Un-Gibbs thing.

"Okay, tell me what happened?" She asked.

"What?" Gibbs replied as nothing happened.

"In your nightmare. You are having nightmares Gibbs, since after our rescue. You need to talk to Grace." Sloane started worried about Gibbs.

"Nah... it was just a nightmare, Jack. Everyone has nightmares. It's a normal thing." Gibbs said as he put the empty glass on the table.


"I wasn't," Gibbs replied.

"Yes, you were Gibbs! You have to talk with Grace otherwise I will call her and tell her to come here to check on you. Or I will tell Vance so he could make an order to visit Dr Grace for you." Sloane stood up from the couch and fold her hands and arguing with Gibbs like a typical mother who's yelling at her stubborn kid.

"Are you threatening me, Agent Sloane?" Gibbs said as he slowly stood up and looking directly into her eyes.

"No, but you are feeling it like that way then you should go to visit Dr Grace, Agent Gibbs!" She's not going to give up easily. And Gibbs know that.

"Look, I am not the only one who's having a nightmare here, JACK! You are also having trouble sleeping. So... why aren't you going to visit Dr Grace? Or should I make a direct order for you, because I am the team leader and you are working for me, so I don't need to involve Vance in this?" Gibbs said as he takes one step closer to her.

"I work for Vance so I didn't have to follow all your orders, Gibbs!" She also takes one step toward him.

"I like arguing with you. You're a very challenging person Jack. But still, I'm not going anywhere." Gibbs smirk and started walking toward the kitchen.

"Gibbs you have to talk with Grace. You NEED to talk with her. Let us help you, Gibbs. Don't..." Sloane follows him to the kitchen. And before she completes her sentence Gibbs stopped her.

"Jack, I don't need anybody's help. I'm fine." Gibbs makes a fresh pot of coffee for himself and Sloane.

"It seems like you both need help."

Surprise Is Waiting Ahead: Sequel of IT'S NOT ME Where stories live. Discover now