Chapter 7

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At the Warehouse

Gibbs was trying to stay awake because he was beaten by Merriweather's man until he was at the edge of losing consciousness. Merriweather and his man left him when Merriweather noticed that Gibbs was about to losing consciousness.

He was enjoying watching Gibbs being beaten because Gibbs had helped Fornell and Jack to escape. He was punishing Gibbs for that. And he needs Gibbs for information. And he knows that too that it won't be an easy task. He had planned for it.

Gibbs was sitting in the chair still his hands were tied behind his back. The pain in his shoulders was killing him. He slumped forward in the chair, his lips were split and bleeding, a mixture of blood and saliva was dripping from his mouth. His chin tucked into his chest. His face was covered with bruises and cuts.

Suddenly he looked up as the door was opened of the room where he was being held. One man entered the room the gun was hanging on his shoulder and he directly walked toward Gibbs. He pulled out something from his pants pocket and grabbed Gibbs's chin and forced him to look up.

"Drink it. You need this because Boss is not done with you. And if you don't drink this water now, then you won't like what happens to you in few minutes. Because after that you will start hating water." That man said as he was giving water to Gibbs.

Gibbs knew if he didn't drink water, he could be suffering from dehydration. And Gibbs was drinking water like he was thirsty for ages. After he was done drinking water that man threw that empty bottle on the floor and then he walked behind the chair. Gibbs was coughing because he had drunk water after more than Twenty Four hours!

His eyes widened surprisingly when that man cut his restraints. He groans in pain as blood circulation starts in his numbed hands. He waited until that man came and stood in front of him. He suddenly attacked that man! He started delivered punches on that man's body.

Gibbs was not giving a single chance to recover that man and then he punched him in the face and that guy fell on the floor. Gibbs turned around and ran toward the door. But he stops in his tracks when Merriweather entered the room with four men. There's no chance for Gibbs to attempt escape. Two men immediately grabbed him by his shoulders and wrists.

"C'mon, Agent Gibbs. Aren't you done with your failed escape attempts already? And now you are going to try another. I think you like to be punished for your actions." Merriweather said as he rolled his eyes. He came face to face with Gibbs and snapped at his men.

Those men who were holding Gibbs swiped Gibbs's legs and his body hit the floor. They pinned him down on the floor. They were holding Gibbs from his shoulders and wrists and the other two men grabbed his legs from knees and ankles.

"GET OFF ME! LET ME GO..." Gibbs shouted as he started struggling against them.

Gibbs tried to struggle against them but he can hardly move his body. He was laying on the floor pinned down by four men and he doesn't know what going to happen to him. Merriweather looming over him and started circling him.

"Are you going to answer my questions or..."

"OR WHAT? YOU WILL KILL ME! GO AHEAD DO IT! BECAUSE I AM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU ANYTHING!" Gibbs yelled at him from the floor. Still struggling against their grip.

"Fine. Then don't blame me about what will happen next with you." He said as he turned around and face Gibbs, who was still struggling. Merriweather stood there and put his hands in his pants pocket and staring at Gibbs.

Surprise Is Waiting Ahead: Sequel of IT'S NOT ME Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora