Chapter 5

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Previously on NCIS

"Look, I am not saying that something will happen but IF something went wrong I can't take chance with your life. I can take care of myself, Jack. And you know that too."

"Yeah, I saw that how you take care of yourself. If I didn't come in time you are the one who was lying dead on the floor." Jack snapped.


"He is right Jack. Vladimir is Merri Weather's right hand. He would be here soon. We have to leave. We can discuss this later. Sloane C'mon..." Fornell tells her.

"Fine. But if you stay I stay." Sloane said in anger.

"We will see," Gibbs said and then he left.

Sloane and Fornell looked at each other and then they followed him.


"Hey, Bishop You got something at Gibbs's place?" McGee called Bishop for the update.

"Oh..hey, McGee! No... there's nothing but in his basement, I found some documents and some Autopsy reports. And... there is also Emily Fornell's case details too. I mean it looks like Gibbs was working on that drug case, of the book." Bishop said as she put all documents and papers in an evidence bag.

"Looks like! He's working on that case it's about Emily. She's like a daughter to him. Okay, come back with those details. I'm going to call Nick." McGee said and disconnected the call.

"Hey, Yo... McGee! It's about time man. This place is a complete mess. Found something in Fornell's garage... it looks like he was..."

"Working on Emily Fornell's case. Yeah, I know. What else do you Found?" McGee said.

" You sound like Gibbs." Nick said.

"Torres, update! Now.." McGee stops him.

"Oh... yes. Well, we found some blood here and found Jack and Gibbs's wallet, purse and their cellphones. I will be there in half an hour. With all this stuff." Nick replied.

"Okay, and make sure that you get every single piece of evidence. Bye," McGee said.

After fifteen minutes.

"Hey, McGee. Where's Torres?" Bishop came back to the office and put her bag on the desk.

"Still at Fornell's place, but he will be here soon," McGee replied.

"What did he found?" Bishop asked.

"Same things that are you found at Gibbs's place. But it's in more detail... it looks like they both were working on that drug case. Why didn't Gibbs told us?" McGee said with disappointment.

"C'mon, McGee it's Gibbs we are talking about. He would do what he wants to do." Bishop replied.

They both were interrupted by Vance.

"Agent McGee, Agent Bishop! My office Now!" Vance yelled at them and left before they asked him anything.

They exchange their look and went upstairs. McGee knocked on his office door.

"Come in."

"Director!" McGee said.

"Where's Agent Torres, McGee?" Vance asked.

"He's still at Fornell's place..."

"So, what do you found Agent Bishop?"

"There's a lot of details about a man name Merri Weather. I didn't find any picture of that guy. So, we don't have any facial recognition on him. Something is related to the Canadian opioid drug pipeline.

Surprise Is Waiting Ahead: Sequel of IT'S NOT ME Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang