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So. There you go. The grand ending. Or maybe not so grand for some of you; that's one of the many lessons a writer finds out the hard way: you can't please every reader.

Anyway, to the pleased readers, I say: thank you. For so many things, not just your votes. But also for taking a chance on a stumbling, undiscovered; trying writer like me. For not giving up after a chapter or two. For becoming genuinely invested in Harper's dangerous story. For leaving funny, creative, and clever comments. From the bottom of my admittedly stone-cold and morbid heart (that's not an exaggeration, hello, I'm the person who created Harper Kadric, after all) thank you so, so much.

Especially to the most dedicated and loyal readers who left comments that were so entertaining to read—I can't thank you enough, guys. You're a bunch of amazing, beautiful and awesome souls (I can feel my inner Harper cringing at the corny praise, but I don't care). I wish I could've done so much more than just dedicate a chapter of Talk To me to you. I'm going to mention you guys here, hope you don't mind (I've listed you in the same order of the dedicated chapters) :














The above list is a hilarious, insightful, and dedicated group of readers that I was so wonderfully lucky to get. Don't hesitate to go check out their profile, and give them a follow.

Anyway, to the displeased readers, I say: sorry, not sorry. I don't remember telling you that my story was perfect.

It's imperfect, it is. Every work of fiction is, in its own way. It's all about which one is imperfect in the least outrageous way possible. An imperfection that upsets you, yes, but not in a way that makes you want to strangle the author. But in a way that makes you wipe your tears, shrug off your concerns and say, "well, yeah, but it still was a great story. Shocking, and just insane...but worth a read. Totally worth a read."

I don't know about other writers, and honestly I cringe inwardly every time I oh-so-proudly call myself a writer/author; I still believe I'm just a wannabe version of that. But let me just say, that in my humble experience, those three little words are what I strive for : worth a read. That's all I want; the least I could hope for. "Omg, that was BRILLIANT!" and "Dude, I am gonna MARRY the HELL out of this book!" would be shooting for the stars, but a nice little "worth a read" ? Blame the main character, call the dialogue shoddy, curse the plot for being stupid, but hey, if you add those three golden words at the end, it means, bottom line: you liked the book. You did. It's the lowest, yet totally heartwarming form of appreciation I could ask for.

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