06-II || The 22nd Dialogue

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The 22nd Dialogue

You know, in a sense, I'm doing them a favor.

How do you call what you're doing right now a favor?

Think about it. They're not right for each other, they're just too fucking stupid to not see that. He's in denial; she's pretending she doesn't know a stronger way to turn him down. They need someone else to step in and shove them in the right direction. Which is, away from each other.

Why are you so sure that she's not right for him? Why can't you let him figure it out for himself? Isn't he the one who knows himself the best?

Are you insane? When are you ever the one who knows yourself the best? Since when is self-awareness something that is acquired naturally at birth? Of course nobody has that, it's why we're "broken", or "imperfectly perfect", as they so fucking delicately put it. We always need someone else to knock us into shape, to tell us what we want and who we are. And somewhere in his idiot brain, he thinks that someone is her. Well, it's not. It's me.

Yeah? Who's your "someone else"?

You, of course.

Oh for fuck's sake.

Just listen to what I'm saying. He's not right in the head, I'm serious. He's been sort of a loose cannon after you-know-what happened. He doesn't think as much as he used to, he just goes ahead and does it, like a bloody idiot.

Well he may be a bloody idiot, but she's not. I think she'll eventually do the right thing. Turn him down. She's not the type to just mess around.

Maybe. Maybe not. I can't trust her to put things right. I really think I'll have to step in.

Oh? And if you have to step in, how do you plan on doing so?

Glad you asked. There's lots of ways. The chloroform bottle in the medicine cabinet. The pills of Advil right atop it. The poker by the fireplace. Or, you know. Heavier stuff.

Like what?

The .22 under the floorboard in my room. Loaded. Safety off, of course. Or is it?



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