01-II || The 17th Dialogue

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The 17th Dialogue

Hey. You there?

That question is absurd and you know it. I'm always here.

It's just...it's been insanely long. Too long. I think I haven't spoken to you since...


Well, not exactly. I did speak to you after that. Remember...Gordon?

That's pretty hard to forget. You were quite a mess.

Yeah, god. It's like I only talk to you when shit hits the fan.

And you should only talk to me when shit hits the fan. We've talked about this. You shouldn't feel guilty; you shouldn't feel like you're taking me for granted, that you only turn to me for help.

I know, yeah, I know.

Sounds like you don't. I feel like I should hammer it into your head-literally.

Got the tools? Be my guest.

Well. Someone's in a bad mood.

Damn straight I am. Why wouldn't I be?

I know. You saw her today.

Yeah. With him. Him. The fucking fool.



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