We got to the ice cream shop and ordered, we walked out onto the water front sitting on a bench that looked over the ocean..
Hyunjin sighed "I gotta pee! Jeongin do you know where a close bathroom is?"
Jeongin laughed "just find a tree"
Hyunjin groaned "no! There's to many people around, I don't want a random person seeing my d-"
Jeongin interrupted "the pizzeria has one it's across the road next to the ice cream place"
Hyunjin joked "what if I get stuffed into an animatronic suit!"
Jeongin rolled his eyes "calm down five nights at Freddie's fan"

Hyunjin laughed while walking off to the pizzeria.
Jeongin slid closer to me along the bench, I looked at him and back at the water in front of us, I could tell he was staring at me but I didn't know what to do..I just pretended I didn't know he was looking at me.

He smirked "you okay?"
I nodded, it was a lie, I'm not okay and I think he knew that because he instantly put his arm around my shoulder as I felt my whole stomach turn and a weird feeling in my chest.
I pressed my lips together as he asked out of the blue "what's your favourite song?"
I giggled "that's a random question but, hot girl bummer by Blackbear"
He grinned "that song is good as! Fuck you and you and youuuu!"
I sang along with him "I hate your friends and they hate me too! I'm through I'm through I'm throughhh!" "This that hot girl bummer anthem turn it up and throw a tantrum!"

He dropped his head back "that's such a good song!"
I chuckled "I know right!"
He winked at me "what about Miroh?"
I laughed "oh oh ohhhh higher!!!"
He laughed under his breath looking at the ground and back at me, I dug my spoon into the last mouthful of choc chip ice cream in my cup and ate it while sighing "is there a bin anywhere nearby!"
He nodded "over there" he said while pointing to my right as I squinted trying to look for a bin "I can't see it.."

He shook his head "follow me"
We got up off the bench and walked to the bin, it turns out it was behind a tree, I chucked it in the bin turning away from the bin.
We made our way back to the bench until a brown shaggy haired guy squeezed my shoulder while giving me a sleesy look "damn your hot!"
I got scared, I barley know this guy what if he starts drama..

Jeongin stepped in front of me to the brown haired guy "fuck off", let's just say Jeongin was shorter than this 6 foot guy.
The brown haired catcaller pushed Jeongin making him nearly fall over "what are you gonna do shorty?"
Jeongin stomped his foot on the ground "I'll..i don't know anything to make you leave her alone?!"
The guy walked off while pushing Jeongin hard as Jeongin fell on the ground.

He huffed "at least I tried.."
I shook my head "it's not the fact you make him stop that makes me happy, it's just you trying and risking getting your ass kicked for me"
He side smiled and I helped him up from the ground as he dusted off his jacket and jeans that had dirt on it.

Hyunjin ran up to us "what's going on?"
Jeongin stifled a laugh "a guy catcalled Chai but he was taller than me so.."
Hyunjin laughed "hah suck on that midget!"
I shook my head "you two have to be the most immature 20 year olds I've ever met.."
Hyunjin rolled his eyes "I'm 21 get it right!"
I gasped sarcastically "sorry Hyunjin! You still have a baby face"
Hyunjin groaned "shut up"
Jeongin laughed nearly falling over out of laughter "haha I look older than you! I know damn right I have more defined features than you Hyunjin!"

I stood in the middle of them both and put my left arm on Jeongin's shoulder and my right arm on Hyunjin's shoulder.
I noticed seeing my arms where on them that it made me closer to them both, I looked to my left and saw Jeongin who's face was right in front of mine to the point where our noses were nearly touching.
I felt his breath on my face and I could tell he brushes his teeth..that's random and weird but it's just facts he has good hygiene.

He smiled as I smiled back and I looked at Hyunjin who was daydreaming while walking.
We walked down the street on our way to the JYP building again, when we got there we bursted through the door singing 'take on me by a-ha'
Jeongin screamed "take on meeeee!"
Hyunjin screamed after him "take me onnnn!!"
I joined in "I'll be gonnneee!"

Chan looked at us confused walking out of the room he does his vlives in, meanwhile the lovebirds jisung and Minho also referred to as Misung watched a movie in the lounge room.
Felix, Changbin and Seungmin played a game on the Xbox.
Meanwhile the dynamic trio Hyunjin, Me and Jeongin all walked into the kitchen while singing 80s songs.
Jeongin got a carrot from the fridge as Hyunjin got a potato as they danced around with them.
I looked at them confused "What are you crackheads doing?"
Hyunjin looked at me concerned "get a vegetable and dance with it!"
I nodded "okay?..."

I reached into the fridge and got a cucumber as we danced as Jeongin sung Break my stride as me and Hyunjin joined in.
I bursted out laughing, the sight of Hyunjin with a potato and Jeongin with a carrot, they both bursted out laughing while putting the veggies away as I chucked my cucumber in the fridge.

Jeongin yelled "mummy my goldfish is dancing in the microwave again!"
Hyunjin yelled "daddy my ponies fingers are stuck in the fridge!"
I didn't know what to do so I yelled "grandpa my pet nose is stuck in the oven!"
They looked at me confused and laughed afterwards, I looked at the roof and back at them "ima go home, bye guys!"
Hyunjin rubbed my shoulder "cya!"
Jeongin side eyed me "I'll walk you out, cause I feel like it"

We walked outside the dorm as I lost control of myself and hugged him tight.
He tried to process it and wrapped his arms around me 3 seconds after, he suddenly put one hand on my head and buried his head in my shoulder.
I released from the hug and caressed his cheek as I walked off "bye Ginnie!"
He chuckled "bye chai!"

I released from the hug and caressed his cheek as I walked off "bye Ginnie!"He chuckled "bye chai!"

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