Ch. Twenty-Six | Hurt

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7:30am, Monday, March 6th

It had been a couple of weeks since the party, and Louis and Harry were further from each other than ever. Louis still cared, but Harry didn't mind it. Or that's what he played it off as. Like he didn't care. Everyone else saw right through it, though. Especially Niall. Eleanor still couldn't stand Harry so she was an exception. But everyone else knew there was something going on between the two, something big but neither Louis nor Harry realized it themselves.

'More than you can imagine' were the words swirling around in Louis's mind. The way Harry was drinking so much, the way he spoke lividly. It made him nauseous. So he did his best to ignore the thoughts and listen in on the conversation. The group still hung out together, just Louis and Harry never spoke and stayed away from each other.

The thing was, Harry was hurting just as much. He missed Louis, to say the least. Over the last two weeks, he had come to terms with the fact he really, really likes Louis. Possibly fancies him in a way he hasn't really fancied someone before. And it was both exciting and (more so) scary at the same time.

He glanced at Louis, who was looking at the ground. Zayn coughed, making Harry look at him, and Zayn gave his friend a look that Harry wasn't quite sure of. He eyed between Harry and Louis and Harry just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

The other thing was, all throughout first, second, and even third period Harry couldn't stop thinking about Louis. And it was making him angry, actually. Like he wanted to scream.

Louis was no better. Nick had been leaving him alone for quite some time, which he was more than grateful for, which left him taking notes and doing in-class work in peace. For chemistry, at least. Ryan had met Louis out in the hallway and walked him to English, chatting about something to do with sports. So obviously Louis naturally tunes out, mind wandering off to how Liam was doing. He hadn't been answering many of his calls ever since Liam first brought up Olivia. This is what the feathery-haired boy was afraid of when he moved away; losing his best mate. Well, he supposed Harry was starting to be another best mate but now that was gone, too. He hoped things would get better, but right now it didn't seem like Harry wanted to even look at Louis.


"Louis," Niall pulls his friend aside, Louis looking at him in confusion. "What is it?"

"Please tell me you and Harry will get over this bump, I promise you he doesn't hate you," Niall lets go of the other boy, looking into his eyes seriously. Louis just looked down and shrugged, "I wish, I wish it didn't feel like that."

"Just try talking to him, okay, it'll work out in the end. Trust me," Niall smiles reassuringly. "Hm, last time I trusted someone-" Louis was cut off. "Stop it, talk it out with him. I know he's just as hurt as you are."

"Are you some sort of mind reader?"

"I've also noticed Ryan being very friendly."

"Oh, sod off, mate," Louis shakes his head, huffing, "Whatever, it's not like he's getting anywhere with it."


"Louis," Ryan calls out the blue-eyed boy's name. He turns around, smiling tiredly. Louis felt exhausted. "Yeah?"

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to skip fourth period with me?"

Those words hit Louis, memories of when Harry and him skipped class, the way Harry opened up to him. The way they got over the fight so quickly. And he wondered for a second, would they get over this one? He wished he never went to the party. He thought about it and now realizing Harry wouldn't hurt him on purpose. He said he was desperate because of something, something he didn't like that was happening to him. Should Louis keep trying to get Harry to talk to him?

He just really, really, missed him, and that thought hit Louis like a ton of bricks.

So he spoke up, deciding he would keep trying to talk to Harry. "Sorry, I've already been in trouble with my art teacher plenty of times. I don't want her failing me. Maybe we can hang out sometime later," Louis looked up into Ryan's eyes. Ryan nodded, "Oh, okay," he smiled half-heartedly. Louis smiled back before walking away and down the hall to his class.

When he got in his seat, he slumped, noticing Harry was gone. Until he walked in right when the bell rang. Louis watched him as he sat down behind him.


Harry was currently getting ready to clean up, rinsing the brushes he used when Louis went up to do the same, his heart beating quickly. He shuffled awkwardly towards the sink where Harry stood, noticing how the lad paused his movements for just a second. "Is there a problem," he snaps, voice low. Louis shakes his head, finding every scarce drop of courage in him. "Can't we get over this? I don't like fighting. Not with you, I mean, I thought we were getting...close," Louis sighed, tapping his brush on the side of the sink. "But whatever, I miss you, okay. I don't care about these past couple of weeks, I just want your friendship back," he turns around and walks to his seat. When Harry walks by Louis's desk, he pauses. "We can try. I can't stop feeling like shit, though, so no promises."

"Oh, okay," Louis says, unable to stop the small smile growing across his face. "We can start over," he adds. Harry just shakes his head, "I'd never want to start over."

"Do you...want to come over and work it out, then?"

"I wouldn't mind, really," Harry sighed, "I guess I really just need someone to talk to," he purses his lips as he starts packing up his things. "Alright, then, you can get off the bus when I do?"

"Sure thing, Louis."




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