Ch. Twenty-Two | Little Secret

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7:30am, Tuesday, February 14th

"I love you," Harry stared down at his shoes, biting his lip nervously, "I do, and I'm sorry it took so long to get it out, to figure it out," he looked up, making eye contact.

"You mean it?"

"Yes," Harry sighed, hands cupping her cheeks, leaning in to kiss her, "I love you Jess," he whispered.

Complete bullshit.

"I love you too, Hazza," she whispered back, kissing him again. It got heated. They were away from Harry's friends, still near the bus stop. Harry didn't care, after Saturday he decided very quickly he needed to convince himself these butterflies meant nothing to him. Louis hadn't changed him, Harry was just lonely and desperate and that he doesn't like Louis like that. It was all just a misunderstanding.

Kissing moved to snogging. Snogging moved to-

You get the picture. But it was all forced.

He was happy with her. Around her, actually. Not with her.

Who could he blame other than himself for thinking up a façade?

"Be my valentine," Harry grinned. Jess nodded. He knew he was a shitty person for this.

Oh well.

"So, do you wanna go out tonight?"

"Oh! Harry," Jess blushed, "I'd love to, but," she sighs, "family's made plans," she clears her throat. "Oh," Harry frowns, "That's alright, I guess," he looks down. "I'm really sorry, baby," the girl pouts. Harry just half-heartedly smiles at her, leaning down to peck her lips. "It's okay, really, I'll just see if any of the boys wanna hang out," he nods curtly. "But you're still my plus-one to the party this weekend, right," he asks. She giggles and nods, reaching up to brush her fingers through Harry's hair, "Of course I am, Harry," she ruffles his hair. "Good," he simply says. She giggles again, slipping her hands into the boy's. She starts walking them back to the group, which Harry wouldn't have minded if Zayn wasn't the only one who knew. "Hey, babe, I need to be honest. The boys will give me a hard time," he starts quietly. She frowns. "So," he clears his throat, "I need some time to tell them we're together again, okay?"

Jess smiles, leaning up. They snog again before she leans back. "I'll be your little secret, then," she whispers. "See you, babe," she waves, letting go of her boyfriend and jogging off. Harry waits a couple of minutes before walking up to the group. "Hazza! Where were you?"

"Oh, um," he starts, "talking to someone," he bites his lip. "Oh, um, okay," Luke gives Harry a weird look. "So, you and this Hannah girl going out?" Shit. "Well being from Holmes, she's away, so," he shrugs. "Mate it's only like an hour or a bit less," Zayn challenges. Harry scowls at him. "Fine, then," Harry snaps, "I'll get her here," he crosses his arms.

Eleanor speaks up, "Well, I for one, am taking Louis on a date," she beams, making the brunette boy beside him blush, "As friends, of course," she clarified. "Niall's going out with family," she sympathetically smiled at the Irish lad. He just smiled back.

"That's great," Harry frowned, "thought Louis wasn't one for Valentine's Day."

"Harry, it's not a date, so it's fine. Like, we aren't celebrating it."

"Right," the green-eyed boy nodded. Zayn elbowed him. He looked over to see the lad giving him a questioning look. "Anyways, Louis how about that party," Ryan brings up. Louis opened his mouth to speak, but before he could Niall spoke, "He said he won't go," he crossed his arms. They all looked at Louis in disbelief, like not attending a party made him senile. His gaze met Harry's, who was the only one not surprised. "What, why?"

"Um," Louis looked down, rocking on his feet, " dad," he said quietly. "Still? Alright then, mate, suit yourself," Zayn scoffed. This time it was Harry's turn to elbow his friend. Zayn rolled his eyes, an arm wrapping around Perrie. "Z and I are gonna grab the drinks and everything tonight. It's a bit early but still, wanna be prepared," the girl grinned.

Harry's eyes absentmindedly went to Louis. He was caught staring by the boy, and blushed, looking away. He hoped the party wouldn't be as garbage as the last few were for his friend.


"So, you and Eleanor, huh," Harry slumps into his seat next to Louis. He gets his things out. Louis just laughs, "Harry, far from it. I'm so not interested in her like that," he shakes his head, looking up to meet Harry's gaze. "Besides, I mean it when it's just going as friends. Valentine's Day is bogus, I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's so dumb," he gets up, Harry watching as he gets his things. When he sits back down and dips his brush in the paint, he speaks up again, "No offense," he pauses, "I know you've got a girl," he bites his lip.

Louis wasn't sure why the thought of Harry being with someone truly bothered him. Sure, after Jess hurt him he didn't want Harry getting hurt again, but maybe this was the girl for him. Maybe.

Or maybe Louis just didn't want to see Harry in a relationship for God knows what other reason.

"Yeah...well," Harry sighs, "who knows," he turns to get up, starting to get his supplies as well. "What does that mean," Louis asks when Harry gets back. The curly-haired boy shrugs, "I dunno," he simply states. "Who knows if it will turn out, maybe you're right. Maybe it is too fast," he mumbles, getting his brush wet and then drying it a tad, dipping it in some mustard-coloured paint.

Louis turns back to his own work for a while, the both of them staying quiet until Harry broke the silence. "Why did you lie about the party this morning? Like you said it was just your dad," Harry said, glancing at the other boy. Louis pursed his lips, continuing to paint, "Well, I don't think the others know about Sam or Adam...and I'd like to keep it that way," he told Harry honestly, "I would actually rather not talk about it at all."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"No, it's not, what did Sam even do? I mean I know he spiked your drink, but," he sighed, dipping his brush into more yellow, "was the rest of the party all that bad?"

"The entire party revolved around Sam. So yes."

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize."



"But Adam at my party, I should have known-"

"Just stop, I'm over it-"

"Please come to Zayn's party! I'll stay with you."

"You have a date, Harry," Louis drops his brush on the floor. He turns to face Harry, obviously irritated. "I'll tell her I can't go with her," Harry frowns. "That's a bit low. Does this girl exist?"

"How about I just meet you there," the curly-haired boy asks hopefully. "I'm not going!"

"I wanna-" Harry stops himself. He does want to spend time with Louis, but that's not good.

"I just wanted you to have a nice time." They just stare at each other for a while.

"Boys, if you're quite done, continue working."


ooo date night ;)



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