Ch. Eighteen | Finals

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12:40pm, Friday, February 10th

"Can you believe that? A seventy-five. Just because I forgot to add punctuation here and there. Wow," Luke crossed his arms. "Fucking twat," Perrie scoffed, "Mrs. Jane has always been a prude, too. Someone made a "Ben Dover" joke and they got sent to the principals."

"Who didn't even care for that matter," Zayn added in. Niall piped in, "I had her last year, since I'm taking AP English this year. She was always my least favorite," he rolled his eyes. Ryan chuckled, "I could say the same for Mr. May, he failed me. On my final!"

"Don't text me while you're taking a test then," Luke remarked.

"I was in the bathroom when I did that!"

"How long were you in there for," Luke asked, giving the other boy a pointed look. "About, like, five minutes," he thinks. "Or twenty."


The conversation went on after everyone laughed, but Harry then leaned over to Louis. "Hey," his eyes sparkled. "Wanna hang out this weekend?"

Louis shrugged, giving Harry a slightly questioning look, "Um, I guess. Don't make fun of my house, though," he half-joked, "It's small, one floor. All we could afford, really. We-we're not poor, my dad makes seventy thousand pounds a year, bonuses for some things-"

"Louis, it's okay. I couldn't care less where you live. I just wanna spend time with you."

Louis blushed fiercely, "Ew, you're sappy," he scrunched his nose. "But sure," then he smiled. The curly-haired boy beamed and side-hugged Louis.

Niall glanced over and accidentally made eye contact with Harry, who he watched blush and frown. "S-sorry, Niall."

"For what?"

"I'm not taking Louis from you, do you wanna hang out what us?"

Niall laughed, "Have at it-"

"Niall," Louis hissed, "Weirdo," he rolled his eyes. Niall turned back to the conversation. Harry felt another gaze on him so he looked up, eyes meeting Zayn's. Who gave him a knowing look, but the think was, Harry didn't know what it meant.


"Wow, these are incredible! Good job, everyone," Mrs. Banks smiled at everyone. Louis and Harry broke out of their conversation to listen in. "I'm very impressed on everyone's hard work these past few weeks. Everyone is getting one-hundreds. The next twenty minutes are yours," she stacks the papers on her desk, sitting down in her chair. "Such an artist, Louis," Harry says winking. Louis giggles, making Harry's smile widen. "It is easy to work with a pretty face," he remarked playfully. The other lad blushed madly. "I could say the same for you, love," Harry flirted back. The blue-eyed boy laughs, patting the other's cheek.

Louis slumps in his seat, "Now I'm bored, wanna play twenty questions? Please," Louis batted his eyelashes. "That game is so stupid," Harry groaned. "Mm only if you make it boring," Louis quipped. The curly-haired lad sighs in defeat, "Fine," he leans back, taking his pencil and mindlessly doodling while in thought, "Okay. You already know mine, so what's your favorite colour?"

"Red. Definitely red," Louis smiled brightly. "What's your favorite food?"

"Hmm, eggs with toast and avocados, maybe?"

Louis gagged, causing attention in the room to turn to him. "Sorry, m" he squeaked. He turned back to Harry when everyone went back to their separate conversations, "Avocados are horrid," he hissed, "Disgusting."

"Hush. What's your favorite food, then?"

Louis's eyes lit up, a grin spreading across his face. "Pizza. Medium with extra cheese and a soda. Mmm," he closed his eyes, licking his lips. "Pizza's too greasy for me," Harry grimaced. "Oh, well at least I don't like avocados. You like math and avocados. Can you get any worse?" Harry pouted. "Okay, what's your favorite school subject, then," Harry asked. Louis shrugged, "Don't really have one," he thinks, "All of them are kinda just...there, so," he purses his lips, "yeah." Harry nodded, "I see."

Questions were asked until the bell rang. Louis likes indie music, Harry likes pop music. They both like tea, both like sweets. They talked a little bit about family, which Louis was glad about because he liked knowing how things are. Anne, Harry's mum, worked at a bakery and his sister, Gemma, was at Uni.

While they were walking out, Louis spoke up, "Thank you for telling me about your family, Harry. It's nice for you to open up," he gave the other lad a sincere smile. Harry nodded, "I appreciate you caring."

"Of course."

"So, still wanna hang out tomorrow," the green-eyed lad questioned as they took their separate seats in the bus. The shorter boy nodded, "How about twelve," he suggests, and Harry nods. "Sounds good," he smiles. Zayn gets on the bus, sitting adjacent to Louis. "How are you two," he asks, glancing between the two other boys. They both smile, "Great, thanks," Harry said. Zayn winked at him, making him roll his eyes.

"Right," Zayn looked over as Louis. "How was your art final," he asks the two. "G-good, thanks," Louis gave another timid smile. "Yeah?"


Louis's stop came and he stood up, waving, "I'll see you guys Monday," he waved, hopping off of the bus and heading home.

"You're daft, mate," Zayn chuckled.

"Whatever," Harry scoffed.


See u tomorrow :)

You make that sound scary

Well booo

Ah! You scared me! But yup, see you tomorrow!


Do you think Louis notices the way Harry acts around him? Hehe



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