Ch. Twenty-One | Another Party?

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7:37am, Monday, February 13th

All of the group were hanging out by the table Harry and his friends claimed, chatting about anything that came up. Zayn comments, looking at Louis, "Are you ever gonna stop wearing those things," he plucks Louis's suspenders lightly. Louis steps back, shrugging and biting his lip. "Zayn, don't be an ass, at least I like them," Harry states, raising his eyebrows at his brown-eyed friend. Everyone else gives Harry a weird look. Except for the blue-eyed lad, who smiles, "Thanks, Harry, how flattering," he laughs lightly. Harry nods, blushing and looking away.

A whisper was heard, everyone looking over to see Eleanor whisper something to Niall. Niall spits out the soda he was about to drink, laughing and choking, holding his stomach.  Everyone else shakes their heads, Louis smiling, "What was that," he asks. Niall opens his mouth to speak when the girl next to him blurts out a "Nothing," and grins.

They all go back to their conversations until the bell rings. They each say goodbyes when they get inside, waving before parting ways.

9:20 am

It was almost time to go when- "So, Louis," Nick turns. Shit. "'Pologize for that stunt with Sam. But you are shallow, I'm serious. I know I usually fuck with you, mate, but Harry likes you. Been around him long enough to know."

"Shut up, Nick," Louis sighs. "Stay that way, then," Nick rolls his eyes, "Blind bastard," he chuckles. He leaves Louis alone for the rest of the class, which Louis is beyond thankful for.

When the bell rings, Louis takes his time packing up. When the classroom was empty he finally got up and walked out of the room and into the busy halls, flowing with the rest of the crowd. He hears a shout of his name, but ignored it, knowing it was either someone else or someone he didn't want to talk to. "Louis," he hears again. And a third time, so he finally looks behind him. It was Ryan, and the blue-eyed boy's eyebrows furrow, a frown spreading across his face. He steps aside to let people pass him until Ryan got to him. "Uh, hi?"

"Sorry, I was just wondering if you were going to the party at Zayn's this weekend? It's a Valentine's Day party. Since Valentine's Day is tomorrow, we're having it Saturday."

"I didn't hear about it, but maybe. Probably not, my dad is home and last time I went to a party and he found out I was scolded," he looks down as they start walking, hearing the warning bell ring. "You lot seem to party quite often, though. A bit much, innit?" Ryan just laughs, "It's our last year, we wanna have fun."

"What about grades, though?"

"As long as we're passing, mate. Right?"

"Um," Louis chuckles awkwardly, "I mean I care about grades," he mutters, turning the corner to his classroom. "Of course you do, lad. Well, consider it. Rebel, I don't care. You'll have fun."

"I'll try, thanks."

"Bye Louis."

"See you," Louis waves quickly and enters his classroom, sitting down in his seat. He gets out his textbook, sighing.

12:36 pm

"So! Louis, you planned out your escape," Ryan smiles at the boy. "Escape," Eleanor questions. The feathery-haired boy heavily sighs. "They're having a party Saturday. My dad is home, and he disapproves of parties. Like to an extreme extent."

"Just go."

"Rather not. It's not like he would hurt me or anything, I'd just get an earful of a lecture on why parties are bad."

"That sucks," Zayn laughs, "but hey, it starts at eight and ends at two. So you've got time," he explains. Like it was that simple. "Find a date, even," Perrie smiles. Louis laughs sharply, "Right. How's Sam or Adam," he scoffs. "Had great experiences with them," he scoffs. "I don't think you realize I can't just sneak out."

"I've got it," Niall exclaimed. Everyone looks at him. "Well," Luke said. "Louis told his dad about me and El, what if he went out with us, Lou you could stay the night over at mine!"

Louis thought for a bit before he smiled, "That might work, but..." his smile fell, "Guys," he starts, turning to everyone and looking down at the table, "I just- I don't wanna be rude, but all the parties I've gone to so far haven't been good experiences," he bites his lip nervously. "Does anyone wanna offer to stay with Louis here?"


"And that settles it."

"Hey, wait, no, Ryan invited him so Ryan gets to," Luke butts in. Ryan just sighs and purses his lips. "Is there an issue with that-"

"Why can't Harry? They're the ones who made this whole friend group get together."


"He's got someone he's going with."

Harry was purposely staying quiet. He didn't want anyone but Zayn to know him and Jess were back together. But, just his luck, Zayn had to say something. "Already over Jess? Wow, Haz," Luke teased. "It's whatever," he gave Zayn a glare that demanded he not say anything. "Who is it," Luke went on, and Harry shrugged. "Some girl, uh," he thought quickly, "Hannah," he smiles nervously. "Really hot, yeah, yup," he bit his lip. Zayn rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Whatever.


"So, Harry, that was quick," Louis shifted in his seat, glancing up and over at his friend. It was still weird calling him that. He wasn't sure why. "What was," Harry asked defensively. "Getting over Jess and finding Hannah."

"And you care why?"

"I-" Louis stops, looking up again and frowning, "I didn't mean it to be negative, Harry. I just think it's a little fast. I don't want you getting hurt again."

"You're not my mum," Harry sighs, looking up to meet Louis's eyes with his own, "Sorry, I just don't want you worrying about me."

"Please talk to me if anything happens," Louis smiles softly, and Harry internally groans. Because fuck, why does Louis have to care so much? "Let's change the subject," the curly-haired boy looks down, starting to sketch again. They were doing acrylics now and Harry wanted to sketch out his painting before putting it on a canvas. "Okay," the shorter boy droned, "to what?"

"Are you comfortable with Ryan taking you? I mean, now you know that I can't, I'm sorry," Harry licked his lips nervously, "I'm not trying to be a bad friend, I know, it looks bad," he rambled on. Louis just chuckled, standing up to grab paints. "I don't even want to go, Harry," he walks away. Harry couldn't help but watch the boy as he grabbed a palette and squirted some paints on it. He grabbed a brush and a cup of water along with a few paper towels. He sat back down and set his things on the table. "But if I do end up going, how am I gonna find Ryan first thing anyway?"

"Why...why don't you want to go," Harry asks quietly, heart sinking and he knew he should be distancing himself but he couldn't help it. He just cared too much. But now that he and Jess were back together (which he knew he couldn't let Louis know) he was forcing himself away. No matter how hard it was going to be he had to in order to chase the weird feelings away. "The last two were shit. That's why," Louis simply stated. "I mean your birthday party was okay. Actually talking to you like a civilized human. But that Adam kid and then at Sam's's just not what I want to experience again," he shrugs. "So you're not going?" Louis thinks before he eventually shakes his head 'no'.

Harry stays silent for the rest of the class, and Louis says nothing more either. There wasn't much to say anyway.


what do you think will happen tomorrow/Valentine's Day :0



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