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Vian POV

She cups my face, his legs wrapped around me tight.
Time literally stops when im with her.
She gives me a smooch and smiles.

"You are so beautiful." I compliment her and she blushes, looking down.

"I cant keep eye contact with you." She giggles.

"Why? Because of this?" I kiss her hard and she smiles.

"i dunno." She hugs me and i feel really comfy.

"Rebecca is calling." She pulls back.


-what happened? All good?
-yeah, i will be at my parents' along with the kids tonight. We will be back by tomorrow morning.
And she hangs up.

"Hmm," i look at her and she opens her arms for me to hug her.

"Who is Rebecca?" She asks.

"A colleague." I feel so bad for lying to the one that gets me heaven on earth but i cant lose her.

"Like the English teacher? Rebecca NG?" She was surprised and i am terrified.

"Yeah, how do you know her?" I asks trying to hide the fear.

"I have tuitions, like she is my teacher." She smiles and im dead from inside.

"Wait what?" I exclaim badly.

"Shush.. anyone might hear you." She chuckles.

"You go to her place?" I ask, knowing the answer already.

"Yeah why?" She smiles, wrapping her hands around my neck.

Because i fucking live there damn it.

"Nothing." I smile, kissing her forehead, "you are a good kisser, delicious."

"Shut up." She chuckles shyly.


Siana POV

The bell rings and we both sigh.

"Wish this fucking break was longer." He says, hugging me tight.

"Hmm.." i nuzzle my head into his neck, "you smell so good."

He smiles, and walks to he drawer, pulling a new handkerchief out and spraying a perfume into it.

"Keep this with you, you'll always have my scent around."

I take it and kiss his chin.

"Babe, give me your number. I have a plan." He smirks.

"Hmm.." i take my phone out and saw Noah's message. My heart sinks, i didn't even think about him.
Vian dials his number and calls himself.

"Good girl." He kisses me deeply.


I get to class and as i enter, Nora and Alyssa start to bore the hell out of me.

"Where were you all these time?" Nora asks.

"I had to attend a meeting."

"With?" Alyssa asks.

"Some prefects."

"Along with? Him?" Nora asks.

"Yeah." I smile.

"Your plump red lip says differently tho." Alyssa snaps.

"Shut up dude. It is because of the p.e."

We stop talking and follow the class, with the handkerchief in my hand. I was smelling his perfume and i received a text from V.
Butterflies keep on spinning inside of me.
"Who is V?" Nora asks.

"My cousine, i didn't save it full." I giggle and she sigh.

V- you'll come with me after school, tell your driver to have a break without telling your parents.

-ok, no worry. You handkerchief is really handy 😉

"Seriously?" Alyssa snaps.

"Stop peeking at my phone."

"Without telling your parents?" Alyssa complaints to Nora.

"God, you annoying." I was having no point to argue.

After school, Alyssa leaves me and Nora and went with her boyfriend.

"Bye babe." Nora kisses me and walks to her car.

I talk to my Driver and wait for Vian, he comes last so that no one finds out about us.

"Hey babe." He kisses me as j get in his car.

"Hi.." i whisper.

He lace his fingers in mine and drives out of school.

"Where are we going?" I was still having butterflies.

"You'll see hun." He kisses my hand.

"You are such a gentleman." I giggle and he laughs, for the very first time, his voice echoes in me.

"Look at my student." He laughs

"And look at my teacher! Hello?" I roll my eyes.

"Have you forgotten already what an eye roll made you go through?" He smirks and i feel embarrassed, remembering the scene behind school gym.

"Someone got really quiet now." He laughs and i elbow him, ge laughs harder.

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