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We walk back to school, pretending nothing happens despite the fact that i am actually feeling weak.

" Take care, sweetheart." He kisses my forehead and walks away from me; i literally stand there looking at him.

"I need you to tell me what the fuck was that." Nora whispers from behind me.

"The hell? What are you doing here?" I gasp, not knowing how to tell her.

"Dafuq bro?" She smiles.

"It's nothing, really."

"Come on? He just kissed you on your forehead! He never smiles and now he smiling? And kissing you? And it's nothing? Really?" Nora is pissed, i know it.

"Fine. It's just that- " i gasp for air.

"Stop fucking swallowing air damn it."

"Gimme time for breath Nora."

"No, I'll choke you bitch. Are you like into him?" 

"Shut up," i giggle, "yeah, and vice versa too."

"Damnnn!" She fakes fainting.

"Drama! It is, i dont know, something I've never felt before." I am blushing.

"I can feel you babe. Someone as hot as this Gray thing, uhmmm!" She moans and i burst into laughter.

"Hey you two!" Alyssa shouts as she runs toward us.

"Please don't tell her anything yet."

"Uhmm, Zipped!" Nora winks at me.

"What are you doing here?" Alyssa pants.

"Stalking Gray." Nora laughs laugh and honestly if you cut me in half, there would not be a single drop of blood.
I bump Nora and take both of them to class.

The final school bell rings and we walk out of the school. I scan the parking lot to find Vian, but he was already gone.

"Come on, hurry." Nora pulls me out.

"We've got tuition." Alyssa complains.

"Its fine, really, it will be over real soon." I comfort her as we walk to Mrs Rebecca's home.

As i walk past the garage to go to class, I see two car like Vian's.

'RN 415 and VG 514.. VG for Vian Gray?" i whisper to myself.

"What are you murmuring?"

"Nothing." I walk to class, calling Vian, but the number is busy.
As soon as Rebecca ends tuition, i packed my things and i call Vian again, number still busy.
"Did he blocked me or something?" I feel weird.

We were heading to the shopping mall to get us matching T-shirt as we have a school outing next week. Planing has been going on since last few weeks and finally we decided to wear matching white marble T-shirt with high waisted black shorts.
Tired as hell, i crawl into the mall, sliding my way to the bubble tea corner, reading to swallow the whole large iced coffee.

"Come on, now!" Rebecca giggles with her children Harry and Hannah.
I automatically smile on seeing these angels and my lips froze, slightly opened when i see Vian following them.

"Vian?" I whisper to myself, he looked pale and petrified.

"Darling, get the coffee for us, would you? I'll be by the playground with them." Rebecca smiles at Vian and my heart sinks.
He doesn't reply but stares at them and me.

As soon as they walk away, he walks to me, "sia.." he sighs.

"Darling? Is that what a colleague calls you?" I am feeling so low.

"I can explain, meet me tonight, please." his eyes are begging right now.

"Tonight ? How?" I say, emotionless; i am still trying to digest what i saw.

"You will sneak out for me, okay?"

"Did you block my number?" I ask him and he squeezes my hands before walking away from me.

"What the fuck is that?" Alyssa asks me.

"I'll talk to you later, i need to-"

"I need go home, it's mum!" Nora saves me.

"Let's go." I sigh, not knowing how to feel right now.

"Let's go get the shirts first." Nora says.

"Babe.." Noah shouts from behind, and i look over to Vian, he is staring at me.

"Hey!" I exclaim slowly, hugging him back.

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