Chapter 19 - Jeff and Dorian

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He held my hand as we walked. He brought me to a place I have not yet been, we walked for over an hour to get there. But I liked it. We barely spoke as we walked, but it was nice and peaceful. When we arrived, he let go of my hand and went closer and closer go a cliff. It was a very pretty view. I never really took time to stop and stare at how nice our world can be sometimes. And with his on my side, it will be even more beautiful.

The clouds were so fluffy, and the grass that faded into boulders and dirt the closer you got to the cliffs was even nice. We were far away from humans. The sun started coming up, and the sky was so many colours, from pink to orange to yellow to blue. I stood there, I haven't moved since he let go of my hands. I think Dorian liked this place a lot. He knew exactly how to get here, though the way was quiet confusing.

After a few minutes of taking in the view, I sat next to him. Not too close, I wasn't touching him. I wanted to let him be at peace on his own. I could stay sitting there for hours, not even saying a word.

"So, which one of us goes first?"
I looked up, in shock. I didn't know this is why he brought me here. He giggles after his words though. The shock left my body, I realised he wasn't serious.
"I'm kidding," he chuckled. I looked back at the view again. The fall from down was quiet long, and there was a vast, dark green forest at the bottom.

"I mean, to be honest. I wouldn't mind this being my last moments of life," he reached his hand closer to me, keeping it touching the ground. I laced his fingers into mine like always. I couldn't stop looking away from him. As much as I enjoyed the colours of the sky and the pretty forest under us, he looked more beautiful, with the sun shining on his face. It was still splattered with blood, but the punches of blood I gave him were on the other side.

It was the first time in my life I was at peace with... everything. I wasn't angry, or sad, all my memories stayed content and thought they were still going through my head since forever, I didn't mind. I could simply, appreciate them. All the moments that brought me right to this one. I knew this feeling would not last forever. Even when I come close to human happiness, it always goes away. But I tried not to think about that. Our legs were dangling off the edge, but I had no fear of falling. Even if I tried, I think I would simply fly.

I tried enjoying the sight, but the peace and quiet was broken when I heard a gentle cry.
"D-dorian?" It placed a flown on my face as well. I waited for him to respond. I don't think he wanted to say anything. He simply cried. I didn't understand, I was the happiest I have ever been, how could he be sad at a moment like this?

I didn't want to watch him like this, I looked back at the forest to distract myself but it was no use. The last thing I wanted right now was his cried going through my head.
After some time, he calmed down.

"Jeff...? How many people have you killed before?" he asked with a weak voice.
I was... actually was happy he asked. I was so excited to tell him all my stories.

"Well... you might have already guessed, that-"
"You were the one who killed your family, since the killed was never found. And the only one that was missing from the crime scene was you. I always knew it was you. As much as I wish maybe it wasn't but... it gave me... comfort. That you were still alive."
I was surprised at how much he spoke.

"I... yeah. I also killed a group og teenagers with a metal pipe after I ran away. When I stayed in the forest I was, very depressed and angry. I thought murdering more people would make me as happy as I was last time I murdered." We didn't look at eachother for the whole conversation. But I knew what his face was like the whole time anyways.

„Did you hate your family?" he asked. I have never actually thought about that. No? But why did I enjoy killing them then?

„I, didn't. I hated my dad, my brother annoyed me often and didn't really like me but I wouldn't say I cared for him enough to hate him. My mom, she was really nice to me. She was always nice to everyone. I guess I just never cared that much for humans. So it waw easy killing them, as easy as it would be anyone else. I did... sort of enjoy it more for some reason, because I actually knew them."

When I finished, he didn't seem to have any more questions. I turned to him, and saw him looking expressionlessly into the distance.

„Did... yoy ever kill anyone, Dorian." I asked, but for a while Dorian stayed completely silent as if he didn't here. I was about to repeat my question, I opened my mouth and-

„I killed myself, Jeff."

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