Chapter 17 - seventeen

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He left the garden. He kept laughing and getting quieter. He went all the way to the other side of the house, where his room was. Yet, I didn't stop hearing a very faint laugh.

Smoke filled the kitchen walls. I slowly made my way towards his room. I syood at the door, almost like when I first came to him. I leaned on the door frame. Dorian was shaking, in a manic way. He was still laughing but it kept getting more and more distorted. He flimsly opened a can of beer and noticed my presence.

„Dorian, I'm not a good person," I touched my arm, in a place that reminded me of nothing but the girl in the bathroom.
„You are not a person, Jeff. Not. Human."

I agreed with him, it was something i excpected him to say.
„I knew you were... different. That's why I was so interested im you... back when we went to school. That why I wanted to talk to you so much."

I felt exactly what he was saying. It made sense, that's how I felt about... him. But it still wasn't something I wanted either of us to say out loud.
„I'm. Sorry. Dorian." The room was so quiet, every second felt like an hour. I started turning to leave.
„Don't hurt her."
I stopped, my heart skipped a beat. What the fuck does he want? I'm not going to listen. I don't care. I have to kill her. I won't be able to survive without it. I either kill her or I kill myself. I walked away in silence.

I left the house, grabbing all of his cigarettes and a blade that was on the kitchen counter on the way out. I spent the rest of the day in the forest. I havn't been there since I came to Dorian for the first time. I almost wish I never left it. I was so aggrivated, I didn't want to be alive anymore. I guess I wish have to kill Rosie, without him.


Before I realised, I was in a field, nothing but grass and some small white and pink flowers were in sight. The sky was almost too bright to be real. My body felt so light as I lay down. My eyes were immune to the bright skies.
"Hi there, brother," I heard a voice I have not heard in so long. I looked over, to see him lying beside me, thought we was a bit far and the bright light from the sky blurred my vision. I could still recognise him so well. His fluffy hair, his slim figure, the dark toned sweaters he would always wear.
"You know, ever since we were kids, I always hated you. Jeff." His voice sounded sick, just like my moms in my previous dream.
"And now, I guess I have another reason to."

I woke up to the feeling of numbness returning to my body, as I realised I am back in the forest. And not in a flowery field. I don't think I have ever even been to a field like that. I have only seen places as such in movies.

I still have to kill her. I have to do it. Dorian probably forgot I existed already. I have to go, I need to do it now, I can't wait any longer.

I knew exactly where she lived. Though I had awoken, it was still dark out. I was on my way.

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