Chapter 15 - Liquid smooth

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„Want another beer?"
„Nah, I can still feel the ones from last night."
„Mkay, what about a fag?" Dorian smiled under his breath.
„Actually, I'm okay." I was actually happy just staying sober, I was already feeling high. I felt like an angel; like my skin was angelically clean and my organs cleansed and empty. Except for my stomach. I lay my head onthe side, and touched my face gently. I closed my eyes, and focused on every inch of my skin. I like touching my skin sometimes, it's how I meditate, it's how I stay feeling collected. It reminds me that I'm human.

I heard him sit beside me, so  I opened my eyes slowly. I was at such peace, I wanted to dance on clouds. He sat really close, our legs were touching. I went stiff as a board, I felt a sense of nostalgia from yesturday.

"Jeff, I want to make you feel good."
Is it possibke that I got even stiffer? Because I did. I swallowed my pride, it felt really thick, I felt his hand on my thigh again. I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact.
"Is there anything you don't want me to touch?" He asked, which really surprised me. I thought about it for a while. I couldn't think of anywhere. I tried to think about it really hard.
"If you feel uncomfterable, just tell me, okay?" He sounded so gentle, but why was he asking me?
He kissed my carved out smile. It was the best moment of my life. I kissed him, as hard as I could.
"I want to make you feel good, Dorian," I got so caught up in the moment. I heard him gasp as I touched his hip. I'm glad I was going to be sober this time. It all still felt like a dream, like I have depersonalised since I entered his door.

I leaned over him, holding onto his shoulder and waist. He looked so helpless, being in control has never felt better. Dorian, my beloved. It's just us in this world. I want to kill everyone, so it will just be us. And then we can dance on the corpses, the bloody scent filling the air as we slowly go through life. The smell of blood will rot to corpse stench overtime, soon maggots will fill the corpses and we will stay in your house, and I will kiss you until I die. I won't let anyone ever hurt you, I won't let you die. You will stay with me forever.

Your eye, their so beautiful, so dark and haunting. Almost as dark as the pools of blood that filled my house the night I killed my family. I could stare into them forever. It's you. It will always be you. I want you to be there with me, as I murder your girlfriend.

"Jeff," he gasped, "can you hold my hand?" My hand left his shoulder and I laced my fingers into his. As tight as I could. I wish I could crawl into his skin, and stay in it forever. I could wear his skin and rot in it. I was drifting away again, into my fantasies, but I noticed his expression change. He was gasping, but not in a good way, he looked uncomfterble.
"Jeff, don't huhhh not huhhh not that hard..." he sounded exhausted. I let go of his hand, and sat up. Fuck.
"I'm- I'm sorry." I panicked, slightly.
"I- huhhhh its okay. I've got dainty hand you know," he giggled. The atmosphere changed completely, my inner thoughts were silent, I was back grounded to reality. He closed his eyes, I was just.. staring at him.
"You can huhhuhh continue..."
I got on top of him again. I traced the side of his face, watching him smile slowly. He slowly fluttered his eyes open, i took off my top and watched him remove his. He looked so beautiful, no matter what he did. My love, Dorian.

A Jeff the Killer Story - Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ