Chapter 5 - Destonesia

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Where am i even going? It feels like I could walk through these woods forever. Yet finally, from the corner of my eye I saw something move. An animal. A rabbit. I have killed many rabbits before, but I didnt have any tools with me. My plan was to grab it and twist it's neck, so I proceeded to do that. Breaking the neck took more effort than I expected, but eventually I got it. And me struggling to finish it got a few screached out of the fluffy creature, which satisfyed me quite a bit.

I enjoy killing rabbits, their soft fur always adds a little enjoyment. Their small, dainty bodies always intrigued me as they lay dead. I attempted to tear it's tummy fur to reveal it's skeleton and set of organs. This also took some strength but once my hand entered it's warm i sides I caught a few breathes. The warmth of organs always comforted me so much, the idea that those are inside me too.

The once again, I got hit with a wave of emptiness ans confusion. I distracted myself from it for a while, why is it back? The frustration came back aswell. I started pulling out all the organs from my furry friend one by one; the stomach, the intestines and the pancrease. I snapped a few of the bones and tore out it's tongue and eyes. It made me feel a bit better. I lay down after observing my work. I took a few deap breathes and lay on a pool of blood beside cotton creature, most of its cotton a magnificant red now. I told it about the amazing day I had yesturday, and about the teenagers who's wrists i broke, about the fist human I hurt, and about Dorian of course.

Not as much time passed as i thought would, the sun barely moved. For a finak time, I admired my art, before leaving it on the dirt. It was mostly all after some work of burrying it slightly with the soot and mud.

Right as I was hidding my friend, I heard... people. Humans. This must mean I'm at least a little close to civilisation. Or maybe not. Either way, I coukd tell they were on my right, coming into my direction. I backed away more to the left and continued walking as quiet as I could. From what I heard, there didnt seem to be more than three people, I wasnt worried. I wasnt planning to come into contact with them either, they would just help me get to more humans. It didnt take long for their voices to drift off, and i started hearing more people. I needed to be careful. I walked slowly and discreatly. The woods became less vast, and the trees were more spread apart.

I spent an hour observing the village I stumbled upon from the trees. It seemed to have been a small town. It's moments like these I wish I had went places more. I always king of have been in my own world, I never cared about anything outside my head.

What am I doing? Why am I here? What will my next move be? Before I even realised, I found myself turning back into the forest. I dont know why I wanted to look for a new place with humans, for the first time in my life I ginally got away from them. Its too late now, why am I such a retard? Maybe my father was right.

Why! Why! Why! Hitting myself always helped. I fell to my knees, I was shaking. All I wanted was a knife, or a rope, I'll take pills if that's what i can get. I failed. I failed everyone. I wish I could kill everyone once again, so I could have ended myself right after. My moment of grace should have been my death. With my arms wrapped around my stomache, vomit filled the iside of my mouth and spilled to the ground.

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