Chapter 4 - The girl in the pink dress

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As i continued walking deaper in the woods, I really hoped to find some animals, they could be good to practice on for if I find humans in the next few days. I have killed many animals in the past, but I dont count it as my killings, it never gave me the high of killing a human. Sort of like how people dont count smoking fags as a drug like weed of cocaine, because it doesnt give you the sensation and delusions. But even though I dont count them, I still remember ever non- human creature I have killed since i was small. It's like I knew there was something in it that could fill a hole in me. I just didnt know how to fully satisfy it. When I hurt my first human when I was fifteen, I got my answer.

It was a girl. She had short blonde hair and wore a pink dress that day. I didnt hurt her on purpose, I didnt even know who she was. I tripped her by accident. There was something in the sound of her body smalling in the ground, I wish she would have smashed into pieces. The fear in her eyes when she looked up, that's all I could think about. I quickly rushed to the bathroom as I couldn't let anyone see my smile. But when I got into a stall, ai couldn't help but laugh. I finally struck gold.

I actually talked to her a few weeks later. I walked out of class one time, a quite common thing for me and many other to do. My school never really cared, it was a public school with a bad reputation. But for some reason she followed me this time. She said the teacher told her to. She wasn't a great liar i guess. I wanted to be alone but I was willing to be human, so i shared my smoke with her. She seemed really excited when i gave it to her. She kept asking me questions like ‚why are you always so quiet?' or ‚Why dont you like making friends?' All i could think of was the face she made when i tripped her, I think I smiled from that thought because I remember her smiling back and looking comforted. I dont remember answering any of the questions, but I do remmeber her blushing. I think she liked me. For a moment I wasn't even that annoyed she followed me. I didn't understand why she would like someone like me with nothing to offer but a smile when i hurt her, but i realised she probably had some issues.

After some times she leaned over me and touched my arm and my hair. She said she like my ‚tierd eyes and how pale I was.' She even asked me if I eat and if I ever sleep, but not in a concerning tone, rather in a seductive one. Her eyes were also seductive, half closed and I remember her opening her lips slightly like she wanted to kiss me. My heart was beating rapidly and my stomach turned and her lips parted. I pushed her away quickly before she did anything else. She landed on the dirty tiles and looked shocked for some reason. I was so annoyed. I left the class to be alone. She was so wierd, I never met someone more pathetic. She probably thought I was anorexic and it turned her on.

After that, I didnt memorise harming her as fondly as before. It didnt feel good knowing she was into it like a pervert. Since then I learned men are a lot more simple.

Suddenly, I got frustrated. I got lost in that memory, and lost track of time and where I was. The sun began to rise. I looked around, there was still nothing but forest.

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