Star Ma(r)ker

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A/N: no one can seem to agree on what this song is called... some translations say Star Maker, others say Star Marker... so I put both. lol

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Toshinori couldn't help but chuckle at that.

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Eventually, the pair made their way back inside- no one said anything to them, but Aizawa gave All Might a look that told him they would be having a word after all of this was over. 

He wasn't looking forward to it.

"What's- what's next in the stack?" Uraraka asked, breaking the tense silence of the room.

"Oh, uh- Star Marker. Or, uh... does that say Star Maker? Ugh, Midoriya you're handwriting for this one is atrocious... well, no idea what it says but this one," Kaminari said before showing off the CD and handing it to Jirou.

She slid it into the player and pressed start, only to jolt when a holographic screen started emitting from the top of the stereo. 

"Wait, this one has a video along with it?" she questioned, furrowing her brow and turning on the visual setting so that the picture would come through. 

"Oh, *this* is where he started doing that- forgot about that. All of these are videoed too," Mic said, picking up the plastic bag full of CDs before setting it back down on the floor beside him.

Midoriya appeared on screen, frozen as he seemingly adjusted the camera he'd used to film this on. Jirou pressed play, and Midoriya finished adjusting the device before taking a step back. "I think... that'll work," he said with a lopsided grin before picking up a guitar and looping the strap around his shoulder. 

"Okay, Mic sensei, you're good to start the drums in three, two-" Midoriya was looking off-screen, likely through the glass and into the other half of the recording studio, his hand poses with a pick to start playing.

The song started out much livelier than the others- it felt more like a bouncy pop song than the other, more rock-inclined songs the class had heard. Some of them couldn't help but smile at the sound, despite the air still tense with worry.

Midoriya grinned as he strummed along with both a phantom drummer and phantom keyboard player. He looked so comfortable- so carefree. 

It wasn't often they saw him like this.

"You close your eyes away from anything you see,

Blocked out the sun and took for granted how it glows-

Hiding in shadows where you always try to beeee,

I see a drop of light, it's shining down on meeee!"

"Revelry in the dark..." Tokoyami muttered, causing Aoyama to snort.

"Look at him go!" Mina said excitedly, pointing at the image as Midoroiya leaned into the mic on the stand to his left.

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