War Day 4: Playing a game of cat and mouse!

Start from the beginning

Ashido: I give up! Do tell me GOD, is it fun seeing me suffering so much?!

I couldn't help it but reply to her.

Me: Yes.

That was the moment she turned around rather fast and face me directly.

Ashido: Aizawa-sensei?

Me: Fool!

Gaja: ROAR!

The moment Gaja roared at her, she began backing away from us before jumping to her feet and using her quirk on us. However, Acid has no effect on Gaja and her quirk. The panther simply stopped to the ground and a wall was made out of concrete in between us protecting us from the attack. After that Gaja jumped towards the wall and was balancing herself on the edge of it ready to jump down.

Ashido used that moment to book it.


Me: After her!

Gaja was awaiting a command and I gave it to her. It only took her a split second to catch up with Ashido and I jumped off her back using my scarf in order to capture Ashido and send her flying towards the next buildings wall at the end of the alley. The moment I let go of her. I readied my dagger and began running at her before Kotetsu teleported me in front of her. I used the dagger to make a cut mark across her cheek. Kotetsu then teleported me behind her and I kicked her so that she fell down face first. Next I jumped over her and crouched in front of her.

Me: There is no escaping me know.

My panther was standing behind me and looking at her too.

However as stupid as my students usually are, she tried using her quirk on me. I didn't need to use my quirk since Gaja just made the concrete around me rise a good half meter. I was safe.

Me: Bad choice. Gaja, Kotetsu get her.

The cat on my shoulder jumped down and teleported her away up in the air and I watched Gaja running and make some stepping stones that would get her into the air before making a earth cage wound Ashido dropping her to the ground and releasing the cage again. She was laying there with multiple cut wounds from small rocks and some grazes.

I decided to walk over to her and eliminate her with my dagger before moving towards the next person.

Me: Good work, you to!

Kotetsu: MEW!

The cat went around my feet begging me to pick him up and giving him some attention while Gaja was simply watching us before bowing and running away.

Me: Looks like it is us two now.

Kotetsu: MEW!

???: ROAR!

I could hear another roar and looked at its direction. There was a cheetah running at me at full speed and all the big cat was leaving was a trail of flames. He was very fast and only stopped 1 meter before me.

 He was very fast and only stopped 1 meter before me

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Me: Let me guess, one of your friends?

Kotetsu: MEW!

???: ROAR!

Me: I don't know your name but I will give you one for now. How about Blaze?

Kotetsu: MEW!

Blaze: Roar!

Me: Blaze it is. Did Izuku send you?

The cheetah shook his head.

Me: Tiny?

A nod.

Me: I am beginning to love this freaking island even more! I will need to talk with Nezu about leaving the island to me.

Me: I am beginning to love this freaking island even more! I will need to talk with Nezu about leaving the island to me

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