War Day 4: Easy game, right?!

Start from the beginning

Sero: Watch it!


That was violation of the rules and as such he was immediately disqualified.

Without Bakugo, they were all acting stupid and that was when I realized that Bakugo might be the only one that was taking this the most serious from all of them. I could however not understand how he could leave soo weak comrades behind and go out search for me.

Is this a trap set for me?


If this was a trap made for me then Tiny and the others wouldn't have let me go inside the building without warning me.

Not only that but I had an intel on the boat.

Speaking of the intel, I could hear Hawk's voice while I was evading Sero's tape and make Satou be trapped in them.

Hawks: bunny, do you copy?

Me: Mh-hm!

Hawks: Bakugo and the others are on their way back. Scarecrow and his pack is currently buying you some time. They are running after them and letting them run towards the southern part of the city. I say you have a good 30 minutes until they will figure something out in order to aggravate the birds. That angry Pomeranian looks pissed and ready to explode!

Me: Got it!

With that I heard the line get cut and I began focusing again on my fight. Until now I was just using the heroes to get themselves out. I wanted to show how stupid they were. Once I was done playing around with Sero and Satou, I decided to attack. First was Sato. He had some sugar and I could see that his quirk was already activated but his back was completely covered in Sero's tape.

It would not hinder his movements or slow him down at all but if I were to kick him, he would be stuck at the wall.

Okay here I go!

I was dodging Seroes attack the whole time facing him and only paying attention to my surroundings. None of them knew that I was using the other to get both of them out.

Once I was in the position, Satou began running towards me form behind while Sero was throwing some more tape at my feet. The moment I felt Sero coming close I decided to make a jump flip backwards. I also used my scythe to get into the air and above Satou. The poor guy got some more tape on his chest and ran into Sero since he couldn't stop his attack.

On the impact of each other, Sero fell down and I was sure that Satou was now sticking to Sero. I found this rather amusing.


While I was laughing, I dropped my scythe to the ground and was also falling down laughing so hard. The reson was simple. I saw them trying to get up but they couldn't do anything and then I saw Aizawa using his daggers professionally and cut Kouda's knees making him fall and his arms, then make a stabby motion towards his shoulders and to top everything of he used his scarf and threw him against Yaoyorozu who was about to attack me with a real weapon too.



Aizawa: *Sigh* Problem child, stop laughing and focus!

He then ran past me and threw one dagger at Kouda's head getting him out of the game while running at Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu: Sensei? But we eliminated you!

Aizawa: And Usagi got me back in. There is no rule against that.

Yaoyorozu: That is true. It will be my honor fighting you sensei.

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