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One week turned to two weeks and two weeks turned to three.

People had dropped by every day, giving their condolences and claiming they came to cheer me up. They came with gifts all the time. Like we were celebrating something like we had a wedding and not a funeral.

On the second week after her death, we buried the body. Mummy stayed by her grave until everyone had left, until the sun set.

But this week, being the third, they couldn't stay home with me anymore. Daddy worked as a  Civil Engineer in a university and Mummy was a head nurse at a private hospital.

Neither of them could mourn their child properly because they had another one to care for.

School would be resuming soon. I would have to face everyone, have to explain to everyone. I would have to bear the pitiful looks and fake words of comfort.

Since the day Kylie's coffin had sunk 6 feet under, I haven't left our -now my- room.

I slept in her bed after mummy cleaned it up. I wanted to reminisce what was left of her here.

Daddy thought it would be better to get rid of the bed, he didn't think we should have it here. He said it would allow her to pass on safely to the afterlife.

What a bunch of bull.

I know it was because anytime mommy saw it, she cried. It was where she had found the body. It haunted her.

A ping from a phone caught my immediate attention. I had turned off my phone ages ago, I was tired of the pity calls and texts.

Sitting up, I glanced around the room. My phone remained on the bedside table, the screen blank. It would usually light up and remain like that for a minute or two.

Then there was another ping. I looked around the room once again, seeing nothing that could have made the sound.

When I heard the third ping, I realized it was coming from underneath me.

I crawled off the bed and knelt beside it, pressing my cheeks to the cool floor, I peered underneath the bed.

There was a dim light glowing and so, I stretched my right hand under the bed and towards the light.

My shoulder nudged the wooden body hard and I could feel my shoulder starting to bruise at how hard I was pushing it.

Finally, my fingertips brushed the tip of the item and in an attempt to attain it, I shoved it further away.

With a groan, I sat back up on my knees. My left hand took to massaging the hurting shoulder as I sighed in annoyance.

Then a thought hit me.

I got off the floor and to the other side of the bed. Repeating my former action with my other hand until I finally felt the cool surface of a screen.

Slowly pulling with mt fingertips, I finally got the item which I had correctly assumed to be a phone. Kylie's phone.

The last time we had conversed was over this. It had been a fight. I had seen her phone lying on the bed and was curious as to who my sister really was.

Though we were twins, lived in the same house and same room, we didn't really talk to each other unless necessary. Since the accident last year.

It had been less than a minute after I unlocked the phone that she barged into the room and began yelling at me for going through her phone.

I had let her anger provoke me and had yelled back at her.

My eyes began to blur as the memories came flooding back. I told her I wished she had died instead. And then she actually died.

The irony.

Trying my best to clear my vision, I wiped my tears messily. My nose had started running in addition and so I headed got up and took a good amount from the tissue paper that sat on the bedside table in between both our beds.

When my nose felt less stuffy and my eyes didn't leak whenever I blinked. I took hold of the phone once again and brought it up to my face.

It unlocked instantly.

I found myself scoffing in amusement at the fact that Kylie didn't change it after our argument.

The battery was half full as the phone was on the extra power-saving mode the whole time. Not so shocking though, that was the kind of person she was. She never actually used her phone. 

My first instinct was to go to her pictures. She had none. Her gallery had been cleared out.

Then I opened up her WhatsApp. Just like the gallery, her chats were all deleted.

It was so meticulously planned that she deserved an award.

I scoffed and returned to the home page, then her wallpaper caught my attention.

It was her and my late uncle Bolanle in front of his house in Lekki, where my sister and I recently spent our holidays.

Kylie loved the big apartment and its swimming pool whereas, I preferred the beach that was nearby.

We never really went there, but after my uncle passed away, my mother thought it would be best if we spent time with his grieving wife.

He had died no more than a week after the accident and it had really bummed Kylie out as they had a special friendship. One I wasn't involved in, so I never bothered to care about.

I brushed my hand over the house and sighed. Our birthday had been the day after we had left that house. We had spent 3 weeks there and had some home to spend our birthday with lie family and friends.

Like a wrecking ball, a thought hit me.

We had spent 3 weeks there, enough time for someone to decide on and plot a suicide.

Kylie must have made her decision there or maybe it was something or someone there that had provoked her.

I doubt it had anything to do with my parents or my friends.

Thinking about it, she had always been eager to go there for any breaks or holidays. And would be happy until the final day of leaving.

This time around it was different, when we had gotten there, Kylie had spent the first week doing whatever she normally did. But after that, she never left the house again.

Something had happened in Lekki and I needed to know. I needed to know why my sister had taken her own life.

So I was going to go to Lekki, I was going to get answers. And if necessary, I would hurt the one who had hurt her.

Dear Twin Sister (On-Hold) - (For Editing)Where stories live. Discover now