Inevitable (1)

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Glancing at her watch, Amaryllis grabbed the lemonade and gulped in succession.  She's more apprehensive than usual which is ridiculous. After all, today is the day she will finally be free of Chryses Taylor.

And yet the feeling gnawed at her chest like there was no tomorrow.  

She rubbed her exposed arms as the cold breeze brushed against her skin. It's probably just habit kicking in. Meeting with him had never been easy.

That is also why Amaryllis practiced delivering her speech until she was sure she wouldn't stutter in front of him. She can't afford any slip-ups and miss another opportunity.

Her lungs greedily inhaled oxygen as she hardened her expression.

"You're early." There was a screech from the chair across her, and when she lifted her gaze, she was caught off guard at the sight of Chryses Taylor.

When exactly did he arrive?

"Are you nervous?"


"Relax. We still have three more days until presentation." He cut her off as he passed a paper across the the table.

"Well... Maybe, but I'd like it if I prepared with my utmost best." She replied as she pulled the paper close to her, immediately reading the lines.

Practicing their script was just an excuse to meet with him privately, so as soon as they finished finalizing everything, she went ahead and dropped the bomb.

"Truthfully, this isn't the only reason why I asked for us to meet..."

He raised his brows, dropped them back down then leaned back on the chair with an aura of a lazy panther. "...I see."

It was disconcerting to hear such a brief and distant response. To make matters worse, he was looking at her as if he was watching an old movie he had played countless times. Nevertheless, she reminded herself that she has the upperhand. There's no need to be so nervous. She gathered her willpower and continued to speak after a lungful of air.

"...First of all, thank you for your cooperation in this project... And for fixing my phone..." She fiddled with her empty cup, her gaze darting around the cafe before focusing on the blonde male. His impassive face made it impossible to read what he was thinking, but she's had enough of guessing and overthinking. It doesn't matter anymore.  She continued after the short pause, "You tried your best to be nice and I appreciate it, but... I really think- no... What I mean to say is it's best if we act like strangers after we're done with the presentation."

"Why?" The sudden direct question startled her. Honestly, she didn't think he'd bother asking.

The background music seemed to fade as death silence reigned between them. Then as if the spell broke, Amaryllis sighed wearily.

"You make my life miserable, Taylor."

A look of dark amusement flashed in his eyes, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "Miserable..?"

Amaryllis didn't notice it and continued to speak. "Everytime I'm near you, something bad happens. The people around you loathe me, and the worst thing is that you're aware... Yet you continue propagating their hatred-"

He held a hand up. "Sorry, but I must interrupt."

Amaryllis mouth was still open, but she pressed them together and retreated for a bit almost bitterly.

Taylor resumed shortly after, "I just want to know... Is that really how you think of me?" 

Amaryllis' forehead instantly creased with the way he worded the question like a victim. It was incredulous how she has to explain herself to him as if he deserves it.

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