35 | Girls' Night

Start from the beginning

He scratched the top of his head and nervously looked at me. I could tell that he was feeling my emotions. "She never had me the way you do, I mean that from the bottom of my heart."

"I understand she was before me but she approached me outside of where I lay my head. Jax came at me and you in a public place, it's different."

"I would've never allowed it had I even knew it was possible," he responded. He walked a few steps closer to me and lifted my chin up so that I could get a clearer look into his eyes. They were like almonds, brown and smooth.

I dropped my head back down to avoid eye contact and whistled for Nala to come to me. I placed her leash back on her and began walking out of the gate.

"I'm not giving up on us," he exclaimed.

I stopped in my tracks and turned back to face him, "I might be."


The day went by slower than ever but around 7pm I finally got text messages from the girls' letting me know they were on the way.

I felt an instant sigh of relief knowing that I would no longer be alone in all this. I'd get to vent and have others' to lean on throughout all of this.

I believed everything Omar said regarding this crazy female but it didn't change the fact that he had left me out of the loop when it came to her completely. I didn't even know her name until yesterday, which wasn't fair to me.

I answered the door a little after finally managing to get out of my own thoughts and let the girls' in. My heart instantly became warm, I was no longer alone.

"I brung tequila, I felt like we would need it," Natalie stated, while placing a large bottle of patron in the middle of my dining table.

"I miss you hunny," Jada cooed while giving me a tight hug. I hugged her back and smiled widely, I could tell she had a different kind of glow about her.

"I miss you too, so who is this mystery woman?," I asked her, slightly raising my eyebrows.

"We'll get into all of that later we need to hear about your situation first that's what we are all here for, you."

"Agreed, I wanna fight this bitch. Who is she?," Ashley barked, plopping down in a chair.

"I already beat her ass but if she spins the block again she's all yours," I chuckled.

"Fair enough, but seriously what happened who is she?," she asked, insisting that I tell her the details.

"Let her tell it she's his fiancé."

"Hold on, what?!," Natalie screamed. She had nearly spit out her drink trying to grasp the words that were coming out of my mouth.

"She's his ex that he was with before me. I was under the impression that she was just someone he hadn't worked out with but apparently they were almost married," I explained.

"How does that make you feel?" Jada asked, taking a bite of the pizza slice that sat on her plate.

"I mean I was with someone before him so that's not the issue. It's the fact he hid this from me, he hid her from me. I opened up to him about Jax and everything almost right away," I replied.

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