7 - Alexa

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Bella's pov


It has been about almost 2 weeks since that night. And everything is back to what it used to be. The next day after that night, River didn't confront me which I was very thankful for. But the sad part is that he was back to being the usual jerk self.

And the girls were a bit surprised when I talked without stuttering. But that doesn't mean the stuttering fully stopped. It's just that I'm a bit comfortable around them. But with strangers, I'm still the same. Insecure.

After that night, I couldn't sleep properly. Every time I close my eyes, I see that man. It's giving me nightmares. Thinking back about that night, it makes me disgusted. Not only by the man and his actions. But I am also disgusted with myself.

Moving on from the topic... the school has started. And it's not that bad. Just meeting new people had me at the edge. Other than that I'm totally fine.

We also haven't met the Alpha King. Apparently he has been a lot busy the past few weeks. But we will be meeting him soon. By soon, we don't know how soon exactly.

"hey. Whacha thinking about?" Ruby asked, sitting next to me. "nothing." I replied and smiled at her. We are having a sleep over tonight. Which means including River and Kevin. And we are also allowed to bring anyone we want since our dorm room is really big. Perks of sharing a room with alpha kids.

"where is Dove?" I asked. "she will be here any minute now. She went on a date and told me that she will be coming back around 10:30 with her date. The time now is 10:35. She must be here soon." Malsa came.

The door opened and in came River and 2 other guys. One had blonde hair and blue eyes. While the other one had black hair and brown eyes. They were really tall and I could already tell that the blondie is an alpha while the black haired one is a beta.

Not too long after that came Kevin with a guy who had brown hair and blue eyes. Dove and her date joined a bit after that. As did Ruby's. Malsa didn't bring any.

Ruby's friend looked exactly like her. Not exactly. But I mean their sense of badassness. Both had tattoos. Hair was coloured. Piercings. Chains. And tomboy type.

"who is that?" the black haired one asked, frowning at me. "our new roommate." Dove answered. "a rogue." River muttered.

"oh. What's your name?" asked the blonde one. "B-Bella." I replied.

"Bella... hmm... well, it's nice to meet you, Bella. My name is Ajax, you can call me Jax. And this is Diego." he smiled at me, friendly. I nodded.

"and my name is Tyler." Dove's date waved at me. "and I'm Ryder." Kevin's friend smiled. "then me, Giovani. Everyone calls me Ovi." said Ruby's friend.

We were having pizza when the doorbell rang again. So I stood up and went to the door. When I opened the door, there stood 3 blonde girls. They had makeup caked on their faces and were wearing extremely tight clothes which I don't think can really be called clothes.

They walked inside as if they owned the place. One of them sat next to River and the other 2 next each of River's friends. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Dove, Ruby, Ruby's friend and Malsa roll their eyes.

It didn't even take a second for the new 3 girls to start flirting with the guys. Only Diego ignored them. The other 2 flirted back.

"the one flirting with River is Alexa. The one with Jax is Lea. Then the girl who is desperately trying to get Diego's attention is Beau. Alexa is the queen B and the other 2 are her pawns. Desperate bitches." Ruby whispered to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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