
"Within reason", Harry corrected, both concerned and intrigued at the gleam in Draco's eyes.

"That's fair."

They ate breakfast in silence, both men working through their own thoughts. Once Harry finished cleaning up, he asked the question he had been wondering since last night.

"Prince, what did your letter say anyway, if you don't mind my asking?"

Draco had apparated with the letter still clutched in his hand. He slid the crumpled piece of parchment towards Harry. Harry used Accio to retrieve his letter and gave it to Draco as well.

"Well, yours was more personal than mine."

"She was my head of house. We discussed future careers and all that year 5."

"Did you ever actually want to be an Auror?", Draco asked curiously.

"Not at all. I admit the idea was intriguing at first, but having people want to murder you every day isn't my idea of a good time, though no one believes me."

"To be fair, you're practically married to trouble."

"Don't worry, I divorced her so you and I could get married", Harry joked, winking at Draco.

"You're such a handful."

"It's a wonderful thing you have two hands and you're an excellent Seeker then isn't it sweetheart?"

"You think I'm an excellent Seeker?", Draco asked.

"I really do. We just have different flying techniques, that's all."

"So I've noticed. You fly very... free."

"You fly like you're royalty. That's not a bad thing, you just need to loosen up sometimes."

"I can't deny that."

Draco was drumming his fingers on the table anxiously as Harry collected parchment, quills, ink, and envelopes.

"Shall we start with my letter first or yours?", Harry asked.

"Can we do mine first?"

"Of course. There is one thing we haven't spoken about yet though. Do you want to go back?", Harry asked, hesitation filling his tone.

"I don't know. Do you?"

"I don't know either."

They were interrupted by a tap on the window. Draco's owl was carrying a response from his mother, acknowledging that she knew he was with Harry, and that she had gotten the letter from the previous night. Draco had the owl wait as he collected his thoughts once more.

"I'll only go back if you do", Draco admitted. "I'm not leaving you here alone to suffer where I won't be able to drop everything to come and see you."

"We'll make the decision then, together" , Harry promised. I suppose for now we should just hear McGonagall out."

With a deep breath, a squeeze from Harry's hand, and a nod, Draco began to write his letter.

"Headmistress McGonagall,

My mind has not yet been made up as to whether or not I will return to Hogwarts. I am keeping an open mind, but my decision is contingent on a few circumstances.

I do however agree to an in person meeting. Let me know when you are available at your earliest convenience.


Draco Malfoy"

"Do you think this is too short Scarhead?"

"No, I don't think so. She really didn't give you much to go on."

"All of that panicking over a four sentence reply", Draco scoffed at himself, handing the letter over to the owl to deliver, along with a treat for its work.

"It's okay to show your feelings, Prince. No matter what you were taught to believe, it doesn't make you weak. You can always be open and vulnerable with me and I won't judge you for it okay?"

"Okay. I'm trying."

"I know you are, and that's all that matters to me."

Harry then proceeded to work on his letter as well.

"Headmistress McGonagall,

I recognize how valuable continuing my education would be, but I'm not sure if I wish to return for another year or not. I love Hogwarts, truly I do, but I'm worried it may be too much for me to handle all at once.

I am no longer considering being an Auror. I'm not exactly sure what I wish to do, but I know now that that is out of the question. I do wish to have some semblance of a normal life. I don't want to chase any more bad guys, and I don't want them chasing me either.

With this being said, I must inform you that letter writing is my primary form of communication now. I don't feel comfortable speaking to many people, especially for long periods of time, or anything more than a few words or a short phrase. I agree to a meeting with you, I just ask that you be patient with me, which you've always been very good at.


Harry Potter"

Harry just tossed his letter directly into the floo, calling out "McGonagall's office".

"I'm going to take a shower now, entertain yourself until I get back."

With a nod, Draco headed back up to Harry's room. He pulled out a book from a bookshelf he was surprised Harry had, then brought that and his blanket into Harry's safe space, dropping onto one of the beanbag chairs to read.

{Hi besties, quick update from your girl over here. I have all intentions of continuing to post one chapter every day as I've been doing for the past month and a half, but if I do somehow miss a day please understand how hard it was for me to not be able to write and post.

It seems like all Wattpad authors write crazy author's notes and spill their life out into these things. I'll keep it short and say that I'm starting a third summer class tomorrow and I have a 5-10 page paper due next week, which sadly must be my priority.

I really don't want to disappoint anyone by not being able to update, but I also just really love writing this story in general (I don't want anyone to think they're forcing me into updating because they've told me they count on the regular updates. I write daily because it genuinely makes me happy).

I want to thank you all for your continued support. I read every single comment, and all of you make me smile and laugh multiple times a day. Thank you for all the love and support, I'm sending you the absolute best wishes. ~ J 💗}

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