Chapter 7

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As I drove to Sadie's house, "Basic Generic Song" by Maroon Five played on the radio. I was humming along to the lyrics, with my windows down, and the breeze breezing gently through my boring brown hair (😔).

My gps is taking me down a street I had never been. I thought everyone from Northwest East South West East North High School lived near me. Wait. That might be only CC. Nevermind, I think that only CC lives near me. I am actually dumb.

"Your destination is on the right," my british gps says (I'm not like other girls), "You have arrived."

I text "here" to Sadie as I turn the key in my car and step out. Sadie appears at the front door and is wearing a sweatshirt that has a band that I had never heard of on it. Nirvenea? Nervena? Nervevein? I couldn't tell. They also had gray sweat pants, and they're hair was tied into a ponytail. I don't think I had ever seen them look so causal.

Then again I've only seen them at school. I should talk to people more often.

I grab my bag and meet them halfway across the driveway.

"Hey man! I'm glad you could come," they say, leading me into their house. They're front door opens up to a small area that leads to stairs and a hallway. Down the hallway I can see the kitchen and smell something absolutely delicious.

"What's cooking?" I ask, taking a step towards the food.

"Y/n! Hi!" A woman says in response while wiping her hands on her apron and walking down the hallway to greet me. "Sadie told me you were coming over today, so I thought I'd whip up something special!"

I immediately like their mom. She long brown hair that was done in small, intricate braids. She looked like the type of mother that would give the best hugs and smell like baked goods 24/7. Her and Sadie had the same smile and kind, dark brown eyes.

I smile at her.

"Thank you Mrs. Johnson! I appreciate it." She grins.

"Call me Kelsie, y/n. Mrs. Johnson is my mother-in-law! And lord knows she's a menace." Mrs. Johnson stops smiling for a second and looks off into the distance with distaste. Sadie gives me a look.

"Alright mom, we're gonna go work on our project." Mrs. Johnson puts back on her smile and nods.

"And I'm gonna work on this garlic bread."

(I really want garlic bread rn)


Sadie's room can be described with one word.


Their bed is memory foam and has the softest blankets on it. Their carpet is plush and smooth. Their walls are painted with a calming off white and covered with paintings and posters and pictures. Their desk is filled with papers and the chair is squishy.

Sadie plops down on their bed.

"You can take the desk if you want," they say, laying there, looking at the ceiling. I notice now that ceiling is covered with glow in the dark stars.

I sit down and hand Sadie their laptop, so I can put mine down. I open it and realize I forgot to close out of my old work. But before I can close it, Sadie gets up and looks over my shoulder.

"Did you write this?" they ask, gesturing to my poetry. I blush.

"Yeah, sadly. It's not that good though." Sadie looks at me shocked.

"What do you mean bro?! This is good. Like really good." I swivel around to look at them. They're holding two cans of Arizona and offer one out to me. I take it tentatively.

"You might wanna get your eyes checked Sadie," I say, "Because this isn't good at all. If anything, this is trash." Sadie opens their can and takes a sip.

"Maybe you need to edit and revise a bit, but we could use this for our project. This can be our lab," they say as the pick at the tab on the can. They tear it off and hand it to me. "You know the circle is still there. I guess we have to kiss."

I swivel the chair back around to hide my blush. I put the tab in my pocket and don't say anything. Luckily, Mrs. Johnson interrupts.



HEY GUYS!!! 🤩🤑👏
i'm back with ANOTHER update 😍😍😍
you're welcome ☺️
anyways make sure to vote and comment 😍😤🤪😩

Lab PartnersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora