Chapter 1

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I groan as my alarm clocks goes off. It's 7:00 o'clock and today is my first day of my junior year of high school. Just as I'm about to snooze my alarm and go back to sleep, my mom bursts into my room singing "It's Always a Good Time" by the people who sang fireflies.

"Ughhhhhh" I groan as she opens up my teal curtains revealing the bright morning sun.
"Rise and shine honey!" she chimes, "It's time for your first day of school y/n!"
(That's you!!!! 😘😂🤣)

She's such a morning person. I'm more of a night owl. My little twin brothers say it's weird but what can i say, I'm not like other girls.
I fumble for my glasses so I can see. Without them, I'm completely blind. I swing my legs out of my queen sized bed and look around my room. It's huge but I don't notice that much. I'm pretty humble. I have a desk covered with my work. I'm actually a poet, but I don't tell anyone because it's embarrassing! Even my gross little brothers made fun of it.

Speaking of them, they race into my room, yelling and shouting about something stupid, like sports.

"GET OUT!!" I shout at them as the run around my bookshelf covered room. They stick their tongue out at me and run off. My mom chases after them, telling them to stop running in the house.

I sigh as I walk over to my bathroom. I look at my long, blonde/brown hair and my boring brown eyes. No one would ever date me. (Not that any of the boys at my school are even cute). I was too ugly! I had one singular spot of acne, was deathly pale, and wayyyyy too skinny. My pajamas had Star Wars symbols on them. I'm such a nerd. I put my hair into a messy bun and quickly brush my teeth.
"You're gonna be late!" my mother shouts from downstairs. I glance at the time. Somehow, an entire hour passed!

I quickly pull on skinny jeans and an oversized sweater. Running down the stairs, I see my mom putting my favorite lunch in my bag.... saltines! I put my bright red converse on and swing my backpack over my shoulder. Grabbing one piece of toast from a huge buffet of food, I sprint out to my red jeep. My dad stands at the door and shouts,
"Bye! Love you!"

"Daaaaaaad!" I whine as I sit in my car and start the engine, "Your so embarrassing!!!" He just smiles as I pull away for my first day of school.


Omg guys that was the first chapter!!!! 🥳😆
Don't worry Jay is coming soon 🥵😉😇
I hope you enjoyed 🤩🤪🥸
Emily out, PEACE!!!! ✌️😜

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