Chapter 3

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"Hey y/n," Jay smirks as I walk over to our lab station, "I guess we're lab partners this year, huh?" I roll my eyes. He says it like we don't have a complicated history, a past. I push my glasses up my nose.

"Yeah, I guess so," I say quickly as I sit and immediately bring out my book, Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. Jay scoffs as he sits next to me. I smile, glad I got under his skin.

"Whatcha reading nerd," a new voice pipes in. It's Jessicayh. The most popular girl in school. Ugh I hated her. She has silky,  bleach, blonde hair that was tied into a high ponytail. Her makeup was perfect and seemed to be done with care. She wore a white tennis skirt and a sweater with a collared shirt underneath. She had white, air force ones with high Nike socks. She was so cliché.

I roll my eyes at her and continue to read my book. I've learned after all these years of going to school with her, it's best to ignore her. She makes a frustrated noise and walks over to Jay. Of course. She's only here to hit on my lab partner. Typical.

Jessicayh and Jay would make a perfect couple, but they never dated. Everyone at school shipped them, and they even went to a few school dances together, winning prom court together sophomore year. High School love was so confusing and pointless. I'd rather read about fantasy ones.

I jump when the bell rings since I was completely enthralled with my book. I gingerly put my book away because I am not excited for this class. My least favorite teacher teaches it. Mr. Royle.

"Hello students," Mr. Royle says placing his laptop on the podium and opening it to a one notes page, "Welcome to junior year chemistry." He starts to write his name out on his page.

"If you don't me, my name is Mr. Royle and this is the hardest class you'll take this year. Trust me, I will make sure of it. I will also be gone for half the year for undisclosed reasons," He smirks at us, basically flaunting his creepy pedo mustache, "Good luck."


I practically ran out of the classroom because i hated it so much. Mr. Royle made us memorize the entire periodic table and would be giving us a quiz tomorrow. What the hell! How was that fair.

As I rush out of the room, I see CC making her way to our next class, English.

"CC!" I call out to her. She looks up and smiles at me, stopping to let me catch up.

"Hey girl! How was chem?" she asks as we continue our walk to the class. I roll my eyes.

"Terrible. We have a quiz tomorrow. On the periodic table!" She swears.

"What the hell! All the homies hate Mr. Royle." I nod in agreement. As one of her homies I could vouch for that statement.

"Also get this," I continue as we reach room 123, our english class, "I sit next to Jay!" Corn shakes her head.

"That's terrible, he's such a jerk," I nod.

"I'm not sure how I'll survive.


i swear i'll be more consistent later 😇😉😋
i love my stans😍😍😍

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