Chapter 6

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The rest of the day was lame so i'm NOT gonna tell you about it, but at the end of the day I meet CC outside by my car. She leans against it nonchalantly and types on her phone. I unlock my car.

"CC!" I exclaim so she can hear me over her earbuds, "Who you texting?" I try to look over her shoulder to see what she was saying and who she was saying it to, but she quickly covered her phone and stepped away from me.

"No one," she says turning off her phone and putting it in her pocket, "I was just practicing my Spanish on duolingo. You know I want to be fluent!" I frown. I did know this. CC was very serious about her duolingo. She kept her steak no matter what. She missed my 15th birthday party so she could be the top ranked person in the world. But still, it was weird she hid her phone from me just for practicing her espagnol. Maybe she had a really weird word to practice. Like dick.

I shake my head and walk over to the drivers seat. CC heads to shotgun and starts to play her music. She said my taste was bad, but just because I listen to Maroon Five doesn't mean I'm "vanilla" and "a disgrace to man kind".

I start to pull out of my parking spot, but I have to slam on the brakes. Kyle Niall decided right now was a great time to skate behind my car and almost get hit. He slams his hand on the back of my car.

"WATCH IT BITCH!" he yells as he looks at someone behind him and shakes his head, "Jesus Christ, learn how to drive- YES IM FINE SHE JUST SUCKS!" I honk my horn at him until he finally skates away after flipping me off. CC is just sitting there wide eyed.

"What?" I say as I pull out, not hitting anyone this time, and drive out of the parking lot.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised you're not crying right now." I glance at her.

"I'm not that emotional," I scoff. Little did she know I was dying on the inside. I have never been yelled at or sworn at before. I need a saltine.


After I drop off CC, I head back to my house to do my homework. I sit at my desk and pull out my laptop. Opening Word, I click on some of my old pieces of poetry. To put it bluntly, they all suck. I hover my curser over the words, ready to change them, yet I realize as I'm looking at the piece, it really really sucked. Like beyond repair sucked. Like someone's eyes would burn in the flaming pits of hell just looking at it sucked.

I was saved from my misery, however, when I get a call. I pick up my phone to find that it's Sadie. I gave them my number during lunch today so we could talk about the project, but after looking at that monstrosity, I don't think I was ready to try again.

"Yellow?" I say as I pick up, totally sounding like a dad.

"Hey!" they say on the other end, "I was wondering if you wanted to talk about the project tonight. Maybe you could come 'round to my place and we could work on it?" I look back at my "work" and gingerly close the laptop.

"Yeah, sure I'm down," I say packing a few things in a bag to bring over.

"Great! See you soon!" they say. I nod, then realize they can't see me and I respond with:

"Yup! Bye!"


Ugh. Why am I so awkward! I am not like other girls.


i am SO sorry it took so long 😱😢🥺
i was super duper busy with school 😖🤯📚
7th grade is soooooo hard 😳😤😠
ANYWAYS remember to vote and comment 😜

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